Envelopetool 0.1

Just threw this together to see how fast i could get it up:


  1. Copy an envelope out of 1.8, paste it into the textfield
  2. Enter hexadecimal numbers into the point text fields (00->FF)
  3. Paste into renoise (The altered xml is automatically placed in the clipboard)

Looks like garbage, but what the hey.
Since it doesnt look like we’ll be getting numeric input into envelope points just yet, i thought this would make a nicer shortcut than notepad :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

*Both decimal and hexadecimal number entry (decimal auto converted to hex)
*Selection box for interpolation type
*Drag points vertically to change value (still in hexadec)
*Drag points sideways to change their position
*Delete and add points freely
*Storing of envelopes in a SharedObject (flash cookie) so you can easily store and bring up old ones. Organized in a tree structure for visual navigation

Edit: May want to make a full app from this: Wrap it in Zinc or something like it so it can auto access the clipboard. The less the user has to see of the xml the better. Ideally it’d just auto update whenever envelope XML is copied so you can just run it in the background.

Edit: Renoise dev guys, how many decimal points does renoise allow for? In other words, what kind of resolution do i have?

haha… gangsta!

Well, Ghetto at least :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But i take what i have. I’m a flash guy after all

Tøft. :)

This looks quite nice already…
I miss max and min value… if you have that you can calculate the percentage amount that should be translated from the exact value which the user typed :)

something you forgot in your roadmap



I thought GUI was something that just naturally happened as an application grew :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Wether that’s a NICE gui is the question, no?

Anyway, this is an attempt to rectify the discrepancy between values set with the envelope editor and values set in pattern effects. It can be a bitch to mix and blend patterneffects with envelopes, especially if precision is of the utmost importance.

I’ll be adding decimal point values next heh, can’t believe i even downprioritized that.

In brighter news, this envelope insight confirms to me that values in renoise are already normalized down to a 0-1 range, which brings us one small step closer to scriptability :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now you only need a VST plugin scanner to pass you the parameters min/max values and value types and you don’t even need Renoise anymore to generate the content…

Not really sure why. The envelope data is always between 0 and 1 anyway.

  • A

The envelope data is, but how would a user calculate a max value of 300db from a VST parameter value to 0.xxxxxx? (yeah it would be 1.0 / 3 but that’s something i would make the program calculate as long as it knows it’s max and min value)

pasting an envelope to notepad always gives you a resolution of 17 decimal digits:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<envelopeselectioncontent doc_version="0"><br>