Linking something

Just remember to post clean links to your works in songs page! :rolleyes:

That is supposed to be a “download” button… so I don’t expect to be taken somewhere else, be compelled to register, avoid un-wanted articles, commercial suggestions, advertising, skip pre-download pages… all to listen to something I am not even convinced about yet :wacko:

That’s the worst way to get people start listening to your stuff…
There is plenty of free space providers around the net in case you don’t have no personal-site… ;)

Well spoken!!!

If I get transfered to some other place and then need to register to some service I’ll never use again then… I simply won’t download the damn song.

Amen to that brother ;)

any suggestions from PHP programmers how to automatically verify if link is download link or some bulk is welcome.

also verification if remote file exists and if it doesn’t - do the netiquette - delete link automatically! :)

i was also thinking about limiting file extension to ZIP, RAR, MP3, OGG, RNS and nothing else. oppinions?

How cool of him! :lol:

Sounds just right to me…

Since we’re speaking about…
I would maybe add a better mp3-Rns icon image… and organize songs in some different way… but… hey isn’t this already discussed somewhere?

:huh: :P