Does Renoise Support Vsti2?

Just wondering if Renoise supports VSTi 2?

And… has anybody use Absynth 2 with Renoise?

Oh and one more thing (sorry), someone mentioned that Piano Roll was gonna appear in a future release, how far into the future can we expect it, roughly - few months, year, few years??


A link would be helpful ya know, are you nula? :D

nop i’m not “nula” :blink:

here you can get the song i made, renoise + sample + absynth + other stuffs (but no hardware, only computer generated) :D

it’s only a beginning, it’s taking shape tough, melody must be retouched, etc etc :rolleyes:

i dunno about piano roll, i don’t even know what it is, i discovered renoise & tracking 2 days ago :P (i’ve been a long time Amiga’s tracker tough).

Ever heard of the famous “When it’s done…” quote ?

Well that applies to renoise too :slight_smile:

Concerning the pianoroll I don’t think you’ll see this before v2.0…

its more like few months. martinal did a great job so far, and the pianoroll is semi-functional already.


PS. Does anyone use it with an RME Hammerfall? Do the 2 work OK together?

Absynth 2 is working fine on my side - the one and only problem is, that’s impossible for me to edit sounds in Absynth2 coz the Absynth2 edit window will not open …

to edit and customize absynth2 instruments you have to click one of those six buttons (waveform, envelope, lfo, etc… ) in the upper left of the main synth window, as far as i’ve figured that.
but the absynth GUI in general is seems horrible and user unfriendly to me. as soon as you want to edit something, about 4-5 cascaded extra windows pop-up and edited sounds don’t get properly saved (at least over here) when closing the edit windows and returning to the main synth screen.
absynth2 has a really great sound but the GUI makes me wanna puke.

[quote name=‘keith303’]

I think he meant editing Absynth 2 within Renoise. ;)

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

i cant open Absynth within Renoise. Ok they are both demos but that shouldnt make a difference should it?

I installed Absynth 2 into the VST plugins folder of Renoise, and then open it through disk op but I dont get the Absynth screen. :(

what!? do I misunderstand you or are you trying to open it like any other file, .wav/.rns etc. ?
VSTi is chosen here:
Instrument settings / online manual