Idea : Multi Columns/Tracks Edit


I have got an idea about script for a new tool “Multi Columns/Track Edit” for Renoise v2.60.

The screenshot is here in MilkyTracker :

1°) I enable the mode “Editing” in the multichannel option.
2°) I do “mute” on all channels except 1st channel and 2nd channel.
3°) I am in mode edit (spacebar).
4°) I edit notes and step-by-step, the notes are edited in the 2 first channels like :

1st note in 1st channel
2nd note in 2nd channel
3rd note in 1st channel
4th note in 2nd channel

I am looking a coder who could make a script allowing to adding the edit mode in “multi-columns” and/or “multi-tracks” along the tools for Renoise v2.60 please. Is it possible ?

Thank you for your help,



That was a handy feature back then in FTII. But with multiple columns per track in Renoise and the ability to enter chords anywhere in any single track without having to clobber multiple tracks, I don’t really see why that should be useful now?

I was thinking about a tool which allows to enter notes and delete them simultaneously from two (or more!) tracks. Depends if it’s possible to enter data anywhere else than at the cursor.

the way it worked on FT2 was different: if for example editstep was 1 then the result of a four notes sequence would have been the following:

## T01 T02 T03  
00 C-4 --- ---  
01 --- E-4 ---  
02 --- --- G-4  
03 C-4 --- ---  

without ever touching the TAB key.

I would still find it useful for note columns in Renoise:

## - T01 -   
-- C01 C02 C03  
00 C-4 --- ---  
01 --- E-4 ---  
02 --- --- G-4  
03 C-4 --- ---  

Scripts can monitor pattern data changes and move the notes around. So this script should be possible to write. But again, I fail to see the larger purpose of this.

The script idea by eeter is also probably possible, might have a purpose too. Cause people found my “#instrument driver” meta device proposal pointless. :P

I like the idea of being able to input notes on multiple tracks at the same time! :)

Other then being able to automatically separate drumkit sounds out of one instrument over multiple tracks (being able to assign the individual hits to particular tracks), I’d like the ability to link different instruments at the same time.

If you could set some kind of offset as well, you could program one instrument as the main lead and, at the same time, program the other chosen instrument as harmonic counterpart/5th/7th etc.

There are many more options to be thought off, programming different beats over more then one track at the same time.

Bring it on!

I mean this is kinda of like a multi layered instrument. You can use it successfully for snare sounds or different oscilators with different DSP effects.

One can try the note-router as a base to do some note to track splitting:

Not hard to achieve, for realtime purposes not the way to go, but for offline editing i see no problems.

How do you pack this link into a working .xrnx?

You don’t even have to, copy the files from there into a directory with .xrnx extension and drag the folder on renoise.


The fastest way to get it working inside Renoise:
Renoise → Help → Show preferences folder
double-click Scripts
Doubleclick Tools
Create the folder carrying the complete name including the .xrnx extension
Then copy the whole path to your clipboard and save each file “as” then paste the path into your explorer or finder window or whatever pops up to propose a saving target…

The fastest way to get it in an xrnx:
-Create a .zip file.
-Copy all files inside the [mytool.xrnx] folder (do not include the parent folder itself!) directly into the zip file if you can do that in your OS.
-Rename zip to .xrnx

Zipping it and attaching it instead of linking to the code repository would also do the job? ;)

Nice that adding files has been turned on here… :)
1025 Experimental_NoteRouter.xrnx

[quote=“vV, post:14, topic:29238”]
Nice that adding files has been turned on here… :)
1025 Experimental_NoteRouter.xrnx

Hi Vv, I thank you :slight_smile: I am happy, my Renoise has got the file with success !

1°) I launch Renoise 2.60 and I go to “Tools”.
2°) I chose “Tool Browser”.
3°) It displays : “com.renoise.NoteRouter (Key-note Router)”

Ok. And then ? How to use it ?

Thank you for your help,


In the Tools menu there is a new entry called “Note Mapper” I know a bit confusing, but that is what you are looking for.

Ok ! I tested “Note Mapper” but I don’t understand how it works. I don’t think that “Note Mapper” can edit notes on the multitracks step-by-step in mode edit ?

Thank you,


No, the note mapper redirects specific notes to tracks:
-Click learn, then click “start”.
-Pick a track from the list above and press a note. → Notice the note appear in the text-line (Assign note C-4 to track [track01])
-Click “record” and press C-4 again → Notice a C-4 note appear on the actual row position in track01

That is how it works.

This is actually very useful. You can for instance make a bunch of monosynths with the internal devices. One for each track. So with this round robin jumping between tracks will make these tracks into a very powerful and customizable polysynth.
This will also be an equally important feature inside the redesigned xrni I think (cycling through tracks inside the instrument). Hopefully scripting can help with this in the future as well.

Some way to tag which tracks to cycle through would be needed. Even better would be to have this as a track property where you can make several groups of tracks with this behavior.
Perhaps being able to group tracks in the first place wold clean up the mess.
So then you only need an edit option to ‘cycle through tracks in Track Group’.
I would use it quite a lot.

ha, nice! reorganizng notes (not on the fly, neccessarily) from low to high in a pattern would be nice as well.

a little bit more tricky to implement than just a semi-tone offset but a “scale offset” could be really cool for experimenting with scales and the chords you can get from them as well!

like for example a rule that says: always play/record the second note in the scale over the current one.

maybe the possibility to add an offset to the note in time as well so one could easily write “midi delays”