Triplets, Etc

Well trackers use the tick based timing, I was wondering how I could program triplets etc

For speed 6 and 4 lines per beat:

0 C-4
2 C-4 D4
5 C-4 D2

8 C-4
10 C-4 D4
13 C-4 D2

-Where D4 and D2 are in the PAN column.
-Two separate triplets above divided by dotted lines.

in general, use note delays (Dx or 0Dxx) accordingly to your present speed value:

with a speed of 0F09, for example, you have 9*4=36 ticks per beat (assuming that your beat is 4 lines long), so notes have to be put each 12 ticks to be triplets.

00 C-3
01 C-3 D3
02 C-3 D6
03 —
04 C-3
05 C-3 D3
06 C-3 D6
07 —
08 C-3
09 C-3 D3
10 C-3 D6
11 —

i wonder if groove settings could help here or i’m wrong?

i wonder if groove settings could help here or i’m wrong?

Wont particularly help as groove settings effect the whole song. A triplet is a note sequence where you put three notes occupying same time as two notes would in your normal time signiature. It may be possible to convert uneven note sequences of three notes in the pattern editor to sound as three notes in triple time (i.e. 3/4 or the rhythm of a triplet) but then you would be faced with the same problem of working out delay times for your sequences that were not in triplets (which could add up to a lot of notes) so it may become more complex. Plus you would have to work out the correct groove settings for this on top, which I dont think would be much fun when it`s set in percentages. :blink:

Reminds me of a feature I had thought about before though and that was the ability to turn on/ off groove settings using pattern commands and come to think of it now, I would find it useful to be able to switch between groove presets via pattern commands in the same song. Possibly even the ability to apply different groove settings to each track… (in wrong topic for this tho :) ).

damn… why none of my wonders comes true? :angry:

p.s. i just used to make it without dx commands, this topic reminds me “how you make 4? 1+1+1+1 or 2+2, or maybe 3+1?”… just sounds weird a bit…

a speed of 1 is not adviceable for three reasons:

  1. tick-based commands (portamento, slide, volume ramp, and so on) does not function
  2. you are limited by the BPM bounds…
  3. you will also waste a lot of space

of course you could put the speed to 1 for some lines, but think about point 1) before tracking at speed 1.

about loops… well… not everyone uses loops… not everyone cuts and copies phrases

a complete rethought of speed concept in ReNoise is planned.

see this BIIIG thread for details.

Read: a complete removal of the speed concept…

The short version: Renoise will move to LPB instead of speed in a future version, with a time resolution high enough for anything. Actually, we probably won’t use LPB as a parameter, you should even be able to change LPB’s during editing a song, making polyrythms very easy to do. Time will be measured in beats, lines will only be a GUI thing.

Martinal, how would LPB relate to bpm once speed is removed, will it be like adjusting resolution (ppqn)?

LPB doesn’t relate directly to BPM at all.

  • BPM = Beats Per Minute

  • The timing of note- and automationevents will measured internally in Beats and fractions of a beat, not in lines, ticks, or any other weird definition.

  • LPB = Lines Per Beat, and Lines will only be a GUI issue. This means, you will be able to start working with your song, viewing it as for example 4 LPB. In this case, each line you see is 1/4th of a beat.

  • But suddenly you find out you want higher resolution, or some triplets, or whatever. Then you just zoom in to for example 6 LPB, and your VIEW of the pattern will change so each line is 1/6th of a beat, making those triplets very easy to work with. But the actual note data is unchanged internally, allowing you to freely switch between different LPB values for various editing purposes.

  • At any zoom level (LPB) you choose, you will be able to use a delay column for even more detailed timing. The values here will most likely be 00-ff (0-255), but the important thing is that these values will also be related to the zoomlevel you choose. A delay of 128 will always be halfway between the line and the next line. Renoise will handle the scaling internally, with a very high time resolution (which the user never needs worry about).

First of all, you wouldn’t change the internal resolution. That will be fixed, and sufficiently high for all uses. You would change the visible resolution.
Much like changing the gridsize of ruler ticks in more graphical sequencers.

What would happen then? What would I see? Would my high hats be >automatically rearranged with delays?

Exactly. You would see 5 lines per beat, and the hihats would be put like this:

(Showing one beat, the numbers are:
start time of line in fractions of a beat, note, delay in decimal numbers):

0.00 C 0
0.25 C 0
0.50 C 0
0.75 C 0

5 LPB:
0.0 C 0
0.2 C 64
0.4 C 128
0.6 C 196
0.8 - 0

Is this clear?