New Tool: Create Submaster Track

Yo. Ever wanted to bring a complicated track in mastering phase but don’t wanna render the whole thing and loose control over every param? Tired of creating 20+ send devices and copying every track’s post volume to the send’s amount parameter? Then this tool is for you :D.
Create submaster track, in the tools menu, blazingly quickly creates a new sendtrack in the far right to put all your multiband send stuff, compressors, last EQ effects etc before the signal goes to master track. Makes sure the mix level is about the same (did not test with track post volumes higher than 0dB, this is v0.01, you can test it)

Possible to dos:

  • skip tracks which already send with “Mute Source”, for cleanness -> can’t be done yet as this param is not accessible from LUA :(
  • translate all volumes if one track is above 0dB -> ain’t gonna happen, use a effin Gain device :)

NOTE: not tested “while playing” but seeing how stable renoise is normally it should work live.

Cool thing. I’m trying it out, seeing what will happen if I separate my vocals from the rest of the mix :)

I’d like a toggle to automatically route new tracks to sub-master (a bit trickier, using observables in lua).

Thanks! :)

Could you update this tool for 2.8? ^^

I’m thinking about it, but it’s trickier… I do it manually myself now, because I’ve got a default setup with every instr track in a group and the group tracks send to the “MixDown” track