Brand Spanking New Track

The track is called Six. Feel free to comment on it :)

My given name is Stian, and so is my artist name. I just registrered my Renoise less then an hour ago, so welcomes are in order ;) (And gratulations, looking at the time I noticed I’ve been 22 years old for 13 minutes norwegian time :)

I uploaded the track “Seven” tonight, also made with Renoise :)

Six: nice chilling sounds, chords are nice; the synth-sound is a little bit too static during the play. Synths at 3:34 are flowing and fit well and aerate the mood. The drums have some good phrases, but sound sometimes hectic. To complete the sound characteristics, there could be a tone in the lower frequencies, like a bass (maybe in interaction with the drums). All in all good phrases.

seven: More minimal track with electro influences. The typical electro- “rim/ploing”-tone is too standard. The arrangement is more straight-lined than in Six, you know everytime where you are. Maybe a bit more variety in the melody and some breaks.

Gratulerer med dagen som var Stian, og velkommen. God jul og godt nyttår tilogmed, når jeg først er i gang :)