Pattern Length...

im a bit confused…why is it that a 16line pattern comes up as “10” in pattern length…also how come after “10” is goes to “0F”??? excuse my ignorance im new to this program :)

ok is it something about hex??? if so how can i work out pattern length using it?

You can change the pattern length to dec by going to Configs -> GUI and changing position numbers format from hex to dec.

If you want to work out the values yourself you can use the windows calculator.

One day soon I think I’ll write a tutorial to explain hex numbers.
But I don’t have time right now.


  • Hex numbers are 0-9 then a-f, translated to decimal this means 0-9 then 10-15.
  • Because of this, the second digit means a multiple of 16:
    10 hex = 161 decimal
    20 hex = 16
    2 decimal
    30 hex = 16*3 decimal

2a hex = 162 + 10 decimal = 32 + 10 = 42
0f hex = 16
0 + 15 = 15

The reasons for these hex numbers in Renoise is historical (inherited from older trackers),
and the advantages are (as far as I know):

  • more compact writing of numbers 0-255 (saves a digit, 0-ff) saves screen space
  • easy to use with 2-based song timing (if you learn how to use them)

Of course, the disadvantage is that it’s unnatural for most people to
think in hex, and takes some time to get used to.

Yup…and one of the fastest and most convenient ways to get used to it is to use the Windows calculator to convert between hexadecimal and decimal (Start → Programs → Accessories → Calculator).

  1. Once you’ve loaded the calculator, click on the View menu and select “Scientific”.
  2. Click on the “Hex” radio button and type in the hexadecimal number you want to convert.
    (e.g. You might want to convert the hexadecimal numbers “40” and “FF”).
  3. Click on the “Dec” radio button and you’ll see the converted number.
    (e.g. A “40” under hex turns into “64” in decimal, and a “FF” under hex turns into “255” under decimal.)

(P.S. It might be useful to add this suggestion to the next version of the manual, as it certainly helps tracker newbies like myself from getting confused by hexadecimal numbers.)

do you think in the new version there will be both options available?

In Buzz there is a “music calculator”. It counted hex -> dec, dec - >hex, the lenght of tick based on the tempo and some other weird things. What about adding something like that in Renoise?

what about a quicklaunch button in renoise, a button that would start a specified app, default could be the windows calc.

later peole could link it to a better music calculator, or their fav sample editor (in that cast it would be cool if the current selectred sample gets automaticly imported in the editor)

I would rather like integrated calculator. When working in fullscreen it’s really uncomfortable to run other apps in the background. If you will need the calc very often you will need to minimize Renoise often too. It’s not good IMO.

hm, forgot about fullscreen.
never run fullscreen myself… for exactly the reason you said.

why not just use renoise in decimal mode if you’re uncomfortable with hex?

i do but the pattern length box (the one you specify the new pattern length with) is always in hex from what i can see…

Some small tips to help you thinking faster about hex numbers.
Basically, the trick for making them usable is to not convert them
to decimal, which is a little bit cumbersome.

Pattern length:

  • If you use speed 6, you have four lines per beat, so 16 lines is four beats.
    If you write in a 4/4 signature, that means the second digit actually counts how
    many bars (measures) you have in one pattern!
    Other example: Speed 3 = 8 LPB, 16 lines is two beats.
    Other example: Varying speed with 4/2 groove = 8 LPB, 16 lines is two beats.

Entering values in the patterneditor:

  • Often you don’t need to know exactly what the value is, for example when
    entering volume. Then you don’t have to care about converting to decimal.
    Just remember that 0 is 0, f is max, and 8 is in the middle. Use the largest digit
    for coarse changes, and the smallest digit for finetuning.
  • Patterncommands often use small digits only, so there will be no problem.

Reading linenumbers:

  • Like said above, given speed 6/LPB 4 then 16 lines is one bar.
    So you can read the linenumbers “xy” as x=bar, y=sixtheenth note within bar.

I AM comfortable with hex, but I still think such a calc would be handy.

it’s a theme for the help forum or beginners question forum … forum-admin please move this …

Oh Em Gee, thank you man… I was going crazy here. lol… I’m like “why is a 32 count now 40?” lol.


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