Impulse Tracker source code release

Full source code for Impulse Tracker, including sound drivers, network drivers, and some supporting documentation Pre-Requisite Software: To build Impulse Tracker, you will need:

Turbo Assembler v4.1

Turbo Link v3.01

Borland MAKE v4.0

A DOS environment

Once you have these, building IT.EXE should be just a single call toMAKE

Didn’t this happen a while ago? At any rate, I’d probably rather invest in figuring out schism tracker’s codebase over jumping into the ASM nightmare…

You can check the recent commits:

  • Jeffrey Limcc29fc0 Initial import of IT.EXE source files 22 hours ago
  • Jeffrey Lim 2a6e849 Initial commit. Import of documentation, keyboard, network and VSound code. 2014-03-23

cool, hopefully one day renoise will get decent tracker competition, will push development further.

Cool news. What next?

Cool news? Hmmm… Haha, freaks trying to make their trackers support legacy .it perfect playback will now have lots of fun trying to track the exact playback formulas from legacy x86 assembler code… Useful for nothing else, I guess. If it was written in C or something like that, with only little assembler…but due to the nature of asm code this beast isn’t the perfect base for building a modern tracker or extension on modern platforms I think.

Retrofans will have additional fun now, and that’s indeed cool news.

But dig the nature of the code by this simple statement:

Q: “Flow in some functions seems to jump all over the place. Why?”

A: The original code was compatible all the way back to an 8086 machine. 8086 would allow you to do conditional jumps only within +/-128 bytes, so I spent too much time shuffling code around to meet this restriction. When I shifted away from this 8086 restriction, I never went back to update the code that was mutilated by it.

Sounds like a challenge of nowadays rather esoteric nature… do you like solving sudokus?

More trackers its bad?

No, it’s very good, i’ve just wanted to say you’d need to be rather masochistic or a total freak to try to build a modern tracker basing of a 90’s spaghetti code 8086 assembler codebase :blush:

But it’s cute that original impulse tracker can now be maintained, analysed, modified, and modernised by…cough…masochistic people. :badteethslayer:

Yeah, not many programmers have the stamina for assembly :wink:

No, it’s very good, i’ve just wanted to say you’d need to be rather masochistic or a total freak to try to build a modern tracker basing of a 90’s spaghetti code 8086 assembler codebase :blush:

But it’s cute that original impulse tracker can now be maintained, analysed, modified, and modernised by…cough…masochistic people. :badteethslayer:

Im not programmer and i dont how it is work but maybe any people find risons to work with this code. More optimism.

I hope this will make Schism Tracker support ImpulseTracker vibrato, filters and especially fade-in-fade-out-retrig way better.

I hope this will make Schism Tracker support ImpulseTracker vibrato, filters and especially fade-in-fade-out-retrig way better.

The sourcecode is interesting for everyone who has a tracker that is based on IT. Schism would be indeed the main target to gain most from it, but Modplug perhaps as well and perhaps Milky-tracker also.

I intend to utilize the source code to further my assembly programming skill, further my audio programming skills, and probably go insane in the process depending on how good/bad the commenting and spaghetti code is.

The sourcecode is interesting for everyone who has a tracker that is based on IT. Schism would be indeed the main target to gain most from it, but Modplug perhaps as well and perhaps Milky-tracker also.

All of that is up to Storlek. I should hunt him down somehow!