Control GUI with MIDI

Okay, so I have a MIDI controller with faders, knobs & buttons and I made duplex template for it, which controls mixer, effects & transport. Now only thing missing is mapping couple buttons to flip between edit/mix/sampler and dsp/automation windows. I can’t seem to find a way to do this in duplex, so I mapped those with “old” MIDI mapping, but to do this I have to enable this device as midi-in source in preferences and problem with this is, that every knob movement sending CC or Note is recorded in sequencer and send on midi devices.


problem with this is, that every knob movement sending CC or Note is recorded in sequencer and send on midi devices.

Yeah, this is exactly why I wrote the “MidiActions” application for Duplex.

Since you are already comfortable with Duplex, I suggest you check out Custombuilt > MidiActions_Demo

MidiActions (the Duplex app) will allow you to specify mappings like this:

UpperTabsSpectrum = {
 application = "MidiActions",
 mappings = {control = {group_name = "UpperTabs",index = 3}},
 options = {action = "GUI:Upper Frame:Show Master Spectrum [Trigger]"},

The “action” should be familiar, as it’s same syntax as standard MidiActions

flip between edit/mix/sampler and dsp/automation windows

Not sure about the exact “midiactions” your are referring to here, but if something is not present you can always dig into the “Bindings.lua” file (in the Duplex Applications/MidiActions folder) and add something yourself…