Making "Noise" in Renoise

I’m just curious as to how bands like Magrudergrind and Full of Hell manager to make “Noise”, and how I could do this in Renoise.

Here’s an example (first minute or so of the clip):

I’m aware this is literally just noise, but I’m just curious how it’s done. Thanks!

They use feedback loops. How make this in renoise? Hmmm…you can only emulate something, but cant make real feedback in renoise. Or use samples.

short example

This is earbusting. Might be done with a combination of resonant filters (or some wahwah with extreme settings), distortion pedals and a looper with variable speed or some obscure delay device with high feedback. I’d say looper with playback speed control, because pitching delays mostly keep delay times constant. Try any combination of those, in any order to achieve similliar. From the background of the metal stuff after the noise, it might’ve been done with analog gear, so stompbox distortion, some filter and maybe a tape delay or similliar repitching looper devices. You could use bouncing/rendering and then looping to get that in a daw. Dunno concept for renoise to emulate that. You can find cool vst effects for such, filter is obvious, but maybe one or another distorting dub delay or a looper software. You just need to feed something in that will then get fucked up grand time in the further process. After all this sounds like someone hooked up some gear with a guitar and/or mic in the beginning, and messed around with knobs and such to make mayhem. Very erratic process. Could also be there’s guitar or mic feedback in between to make real hard screeches, but some autooscillating analog filter can provide similliar empiercement - or you sample such sounds and use them in your looper/delay chain.

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in former versions of Renoise there had been a tutorial song. No instruments but generated feedback from all instances…Unfortunately I couldn`t remember the name.

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in former versions of Renoise there had been a tutorial song. No instruments but generated feedback from all instances…Unfortunately I couldn`t remember the name.

I found this- Neurotix ‘Nivi’ renoise 2.8 demosong. Very good example.

I found this- Neurotix ‘Nivi’ renoise 2.8 demosong. Very good example.

Do you know where I could find this?

Also thanks for the feedback!

Installers for old versions are available on the backstage.



Perfect, thanks!

Un renoise" the:
deprecated moog filter resonates ‘into infinity’

eq at 0q

any effect with feedback when set to 100% (sound keep looping in the feedback loop ‘infinitely’)

Didn’t watch the video, however since people say delay, a very simple way would be to use themultitap delay and automate it (check out the drive and feedback sliders, use very small values for the delay and feedback)