Where to find the old demo songs?

… without installing every single old renoise version ?

This is a good question. I do not have the answer but I wanted to log in to my forum account to tell you not to give up hope. I am happy to report that throughout the years Renoise has surprised our community with many things. I too would like to know how we may obtain all the previous demo songs without downloading every previous version of renoise that featured new demo songs. I hold a special affinity for Renoise Demo songs in,how should I say, heart. It is a warm place, no?

thank you. the hope dies at last

We could put them all on the Downloads section.

Would make sense, no? :slight_smile:

yeees please !

i have downloaded all older versions of renoise and extract the older songs but can’t install all old renoises.

please put them in the download section. there are some very interesting songs !

Here’s a few since I currently have 1.5.2 and 1.8.0 installed. I didn’t include the tutorials, just the songs.





No time to upload them to the Renoise download section right now but if somebody else wants to do that :slight_smile:

If nobody else does I can upload the rest, but it will probably be over the next few months as I install newer Renoise versions to do the SDCompo rendering project.

@danoise: Any news about this? I found an old renoise demosong from mike rippon(“renoise demotune”) and i love it. The old rns demosongs should be uploaded, too :slight_smile: