unfair renoise daw voting on kvr...


Obviously the average value on this page is calculated wrong. It should be 8-10. But it’s 5. Most reviews rate Renoise as good-very good. There are some older reviews without any rating, but a good text rating. Those reviews seem to be calculated as value “0 / 10”…

Why kvr does not fix this?

Kvr seems to be down at the moment but it might be worth starting a thread in their site stuff (?) sub-forum for this.

no, just try in 2 minutes again. kvr seems to be quite a lot of times down overloaded a day :POr GCHQ has to read my traffic first… :stuck_out_tongue:

I already sent a bug report to ben@kvr one week ago. No answer. Just wanted taktik/renoise team to be informed about it.

oh no you are right… never seen that. something happening

Yes I think they`re upgrading the P4 server to a core 2 duo today!

I imagine Ben`s inbox must get pretty full so it may take a couple of different tries to get his attention, maybe renoise team has a better line of contact though…