Mono mode sample offset option

Would like to have the option, when an instrument is set to “mono” (as in one note at a time), to set an offset in milliseconds for subsequent connected notes. Would make it so you can bypass the attack of the next note efficiently, bit of a different approach to “legato.” Would obviously require a quick fade-in on samples that are offset to not click and sound shite, so I guess you’d need two parameters: “offset” in milliseconds (how far into next sample to start playing when connected to last note played) and “fade” in milliseconds (maybe also with curve options). Mainly appropriate for multi-sampled note by note stuff, which I don’t think most users use much, but it would be nice. Basically replicating part of the WIPS legato script for Kontakt.

You mean some finer kind of quantizing, you know the Q button in the instrument editor (line/beat/bar)?