reintegration the old filters in modulation section

i’m very happy and very sad:

  • very happy because redux and renoise now are just one program. and a result it’s very interesting, very cool. Congratulation, and thank a lot for programmers, you had doing a good, very good … an incredible stuff. it’s now just my dream.

  • But i’m sad… why do you cleaning the filters in modulation section. the behaviour of 2 x 2 pole or biquad are not implemented into the redux, more and more, why, why, WHY! do you have a solution to keep a same sound with out a lp biquad filter?

I propose to add a swith bottom to move for old to new filter and vsv.

and congratulation :drummer:


They are still there but are hidden by default. If you load up an old instrument, the old filters will be used for backwards compatibility.

There also is a “Old Filters” preset in the modulation which can be applied to new instruments: Click on the top right of the modulation page, where it says “Init*” or “Modulation Set Presets”, then choose “XXX -> Old Filters”.


ok, thank a lot