Mutant Breaks #8

Welcome to Mutant Breaks 2015; the exceptionally well disorganised annual Renoise competition!! The rules are simple – submit a Renoise track between 3-7 minutes long, based on this year’s theme before 1st January 2016. The competition officially starts tomorrow [1st December 2015] and you have one month to create a track!

Track Content
As we’ll be counting down to various things over the next month…. the theme is COUNTDOWN O’CLOCK! Anything time related – clocks, alarms, ticks, count downs, tocks, mechanisms etc. Think `Time’ by Pink Floyd for inspiration or some glitchy Amon Tobin mechanical sounds. Some samples to get you started, are here.

In addition to the above, I have supplied 10 further samples, one of which must be included in your track. You can use this sample in any way, as long as it’s in there – maybe pitch it around or chop it up! **** Please declare youur chosen sample on submission ****

Submission & Scoring
Post a link to your finished track on this thread before the deadline, with triple points awarded for sharing the XRNS file as well. In order to level the playing field, if you have won the competition before, you have the handicap of -1 point for each victory - no one likes a show off!

The last entry before the deadline gets a bonus 3 points!

When 2016 arrives, voting begins! After which I will conduct an elaborate ritual to select a winner, using ancient illuminati techniques I saw on the internet.


1st Place - Maximum respect from the Renoise community, and immunity to negative vibes in general. You will have your own fully-programmable force field for 365 days, which will allow for speedy travel and cyborg-like invincibility. Taktik has assured me it will be ready by January! Also, some Renoise goodies and a choice of THREE Loopmasters sample packs from this list!

2nd Place - God-like status in a town of your choice (please choose carefully as I will only accept your first answer), an invisible pet dinosaur and a years access to youtube from your own internet connection. Runner up will additionally receive an inferior selection of Renoise goodies and ONE Loopmasters sample pack from the list.

Theme: Countdown O’Clock
Song Length : 3-7 Minutes
Genres: Anything, but let’s not get too trappy kids.
Essential Content: One sample from the Essential Content folder. Clock related sounds and mechanics.
Deadline: 31st December 2015 12 o’clock midnight on the Hawaiian Islands.

Let’s do this!


Programmable force fields are the greatest invention since bread sliced with LAZER

Count me in!

Hopefully i come second, because i just must have that invisible pet dinosaur. :o

Count me in.

(edited : hard to say it but I don’t like my track,

I need to re-work it completely… I give up,

this time)

It’s time to write a song :slight_smile:

Time what is time.

There’s always time for a song. . .


I will probably most definately not download samples like from Internet Archive for this compo, possibly almost definately not.

Hopefully i come second, because i just must have that invisible pet dinosaur. :o

I hope you have somewhere to keep it!

I hope you have somewhere to keep it!

Yes, i have an imaginary Jurassic Park in my head.

I think I can make some time for this :mellow:

What’s the theme this time?

What’s the theme this time?


Bpm zatat 60



is there ney rules on sampling spavetime, antimatter or so forth - or is it a free fly sone?

if not then HERES A LIL TIPZ FOR YOU: Organic material combined & compressd with fractures of minerals and metals will improve timtravel - *** will improve timetravel… apply boz b4 during an afters … and thas the thing will timetravels.

So we’re allowed to use the built-in flux capacitor for time travel purpose or do we need special permission from NATO or Putin?

So we’re allowed to use the built-in flux capacitor for time travel purpose or do we need special permission from NATO or Putin?

HAhah… No Man, Nato aint got shit on interdimentional journeys - thats the “Interzone Agency’s” jurisdiction!

Yeah the rules are different in the alternate reality, i must have forgotten we’re in the Dimension C-137.