OSX: Poor gui performance in combination with plugins

OSX 10.9.5 on macbook pro with i5/8gb ram/SSD+HDD7200rpm/dual monitor setup via Thunderbolt/NI Komplete audio 6 @ 28ms(!) buffer / Renoise 3.0 x32

I still dont get why the gui performance of Renoise is so bad on OS X? Is it ever possible to fix this? I even do not use x64 renoise, because gui performance there more worse than in x32 build. I’ve tried tricks to limit fps to 30 - this does not helps a lot at all.

I mean sometimes it’s ok, but when i open gui heavy plugins like Fabfilter’s Q2/COMP2 or TDR NOVA (ill explain p.s. about this one) or Replika (which is openGL based) my audio is getting stuttering even @ 50% cpu load/44khz!!! When i close those plugins gui its getting lighter on cpu but audio still stutters/drops. Still need to try this on OS X El Capitan, but cant atm because new update broke the os (damn apple is like microsoft or even worse nowadays).

The nearly same things happens when there are a lot of automation going on in the song.


That latest TDR NOVA plugin its quite cpu heavy, in their latest update they added the option to choose between software gui renderer and openGL. I tried both, while using openGL i clearly see the cpu load drops from 50+% to 40+% but still audio spikes/drops.

p.s.s. i have no such issues in other daws like Logic, Live or Reaper.

Hm this is strange. Here, b6 works quite good, gui wise. Did you disable sand boxing ? I have absolutely no spikes using the same plugins…

Tdr nova s gui is imo very slow and the analyzer is almost useless. I think the original version was better.

Also, you can try the sync off workaround, maybe it will behave different from gfx driver to gfx driver. Then the OS will not wait for new screen sync, if renoise updated the gui a thousand times a millisecond :slight_smile:

I use max frame rate. Wouldn’t limit to 30. Better 60 or nothing.

Hm this is strange. Here, b6 works quite good, gui wise. Did you disable sand boxing ? I have absolutely no spikes using the same plugins…

Tdr nova s gui is imo very slow and the analyzer is almost useless. I think the original version was better.

Also, you can try the sync off workaround, maybe it will behave different from gfx driver to gfx driver. Then the OS will not wait for new screen sync, if renoise updated the gui a thousand times a millisecond :slight_smile:

I use max frame rate. Wouldn’t limit to 30. Better 60 or nothing.

i dont use sandboxing. fresh new update of Nova improved the gui performance.

you mean i turn off vertical sync? i’ve read somewhere about this trick (i guess it was about faderport issues), can you tell me how to do this please?

RANSOM, read here:https://forum.renoise.com/t/solved-slowdown-on-slider-movement-in-osx/44498

RANSOM, read here:https://forum.renoise.com/t/solved-slowdown-on-slider-movement-in-osx/44498

thanks for a tip!

also it seems that Klanghelm plugins have some weird shit going on with them.

So, did the tip work at least for renoise 32bit? Or didn’t it help, too? Can you please write a line about the result?

So, did the tip work at least for renoise 32bit? Or didn’t it help, too? Can you please write a line about the result?

nope it didnt.