Play song from start. How?


How i canPlay song from start? Is it possible?



There isn’t a native function for it at the moment, but you can use a simple tool such as PlayPlus to add a new keyboard shortcut for it.

Absent a custom keyboard command, I use ctrl+home to jump to the start of the song and then hit the space bar.

Thanks for the CTRL+Home tip.

Any Idea why the keyboard shortcuts don’t work? I think they are in the manuals:

Play Pattern	RAlt
Play Pattern from Current Line	Shift + RAlt
Play Song	RControl
Play Song from Current Line	Shift + RControl

But for me they all do the same and just play the song as if i would press space.



LShift is the modifier.

RCtrl - play song, goes to the next pattern when it reaches the last line.

RAlt - loops the pattern.

RShift - plays the song and makes sure record mode is on.

Adding LShift to any of the above will play from the current play line instead of the first line.

If you disengage the play line with the edit line you can use LShift + Space to play the song from the edit line.

Absent a custom keyboard command, I use ctrl+home to jump to the start of the song and then hit the space bar.

Thanks! that really helped my workflow.

Any Idea why the keyboard shortcuts don’t work? I think they are in the manuals:
But for me they all do the same and just play the song as if i would press space.



The alt shortcuts set a loop on the current pattern so it plays over and over. But the ctrl commands do seem the same as the space and shift-space commands.