Click at end of render, possibly related to automation?

I’m getting clicks at the ends of my renders on my latest project, and this usually doesn’t happen.

I thought at first it might be related to plugins somehow, but turning those off didn’t seem to solve the issue.

I’m including a reduced version of my project that illustrates the issue. There’s some automation at the beginning that sends the groups into an effects track to receive different processing for the intro. I think this automation may be causing the issue because I didn’t get a click when rendering the ending by itself.

In this version I’ve added some automation to the beginning of the song switching the sends off, and it’s stopped clicking. It’s almost as if it’s very briefly switching things back to the state at pattern 0 just before stopping the output.

Maybe some Plug-in you use does not correctly report pdc?

I mentioned before that I’d tested it with plugins disabled, but I’ve tested it again after removing all plugins, and plugins are not the problem.

Add a short blank pattern, with all the tracks including the send tracks crossed out, at the very beginning of your song, 8 lines or so would do. I always do this, because else you loose a bit in the beginning when wav is converted to mp3. Don’t ask me, i just go with it. I tested it on your track and it did do the trick and removed the click at the very end. Seems a bit buggy to me, but i definately recommend making it into a routine to add this crossed out pattern in front.

In this case i think perhaps the automation of the send device (on/off) to the intro send track is what causes the problem.

I noticed you had “Apply post mixer volume & pan” ticked on all send devices and i wonder if that was perhaps not what you want here?

Add a short blank pattern, with all the tracks including the send tracks crossed out, at the very beginning of your song, 8 lines or so would do

That seems easier than my work-around.

I noticed you had “Apply post mixer volume & pan” ticked on all send devices and i wonder if that was perhaps not what you want here?

I figure I want reverb to be in proportion to the rest of the mix.

I figure I want reverb to be in proportion to the rest of the mix.

It was just something i got problems with earlier when i opened an instrument with send tracks and i found the “apply…” thingy was automatically ticked, rendering parts of the instrument silent. Just thought i should mention it just in case you had forgot, and it looked a bit like something i have done before realising this new and a bit confusing tickbox was ticked. :smiley:

I did notice some weird behaviour by Renoise when solo selecting the tracks. An example of this was that i selected the leftmost track, then send track 1 and 2 where muted, while the third send track where unmuted. After solo selecting a few of the other tracks i went back to the first track and then all of a sudden the third send track was muted while send track 2 was now unmuted. I shurely thought this was caused by either pattern command or regular automation, but none such automation was to be found, so i was a bit baffled by this.