Glitch 2 — Merry Glitchmas! 50% Sale! — Ends Dec. 31st

Shameless plug (heh) follows…

[5404 glitchmas.png](

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Glitchmas!

From now until the end of December, Glitch 2 is 50% off!

Whether you’re a poor student living on a diet of ramen noodles, or a dedicated bargain-hunting coupon ninja shopper, or you simply thought that I was being too damn greedy with my original price… now might be the perfect time to finally pick up a cheap copy of my silly FSU plugin! :slight_smile:


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Nice man! Plugged it on RenoiseNL also :wink:

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excellent, Thankyou and merry Christmas :slight_smile:

Shameless bump incoming!

[6370 illformed-glitch2-50-percent-off-glitchmas-thumb.png](

Another year almost over, another chance to grab my terribly silly plugin at a festive bargain price!

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Glitchmas!

Glitch 2 is on sale again — 50% off — from now until the end of December!

thnx for sale!

Woohooh, thanks!

Another cheapo happily gl!tching over into 2016!

I missed the deal last year, I won’t this year…

and, oops, I did a free advertisment for dBlue…

oops, I did a free advertisment for dBlue…

Haha. Cheers :wink:

Yep… It’s that time again! You should all know how this works by now :slight_smile:

[7135 GlitchmasSaleBanner.jpg](

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Glitchmas!

Glitch 2 sale — 50% off — from now until the end of December!

Man, my wallet is crying! Bought so many x-mas gifts this year and added to that all these plugin sales everywhere! I’m a poor(er) man…

Happy to be a proud owner of this now as well. Thanks for supporting linux.

I purchased this last year and never made good use of it

My anti-VST mindset needs the Glitch exception because this plug in is great

Everyone should jump on the Glitch 2 bandwagon imo :slight_smile:

(Happy holidays!)

YES! Late buyer here. Such a great software for quickly modernizing and spicing things up. I’ve used it on pads so far. A little retrig here, and a tapestop effect there, works great… hehe

Very easy workflow with Studio one, just switching scenes via midi notes.