nudging a note up/down

If I have the note C-4 on line 15, and I want to move it up to line 14 instead, the only way I can seem to do this at the moment is by clicking the note and dragging it into the line I want. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this?

Have a look into shortcuts. There is one “insert/delete line”. Also have a look to advanced tools. There is a nudge operation.

Have a look into shortcuts. There is one “insert/delete line”. Also have a look to advanced tools. There is a nudge operation.

ok i see: Backspace: Delete all notes and Effect Commands at the current line in the track and scroll everything beneath the current line up.

Insert: Insert clean row into track and push all notes and effects in current track down.

Left Ctrl + Left Shift + Delete: Delete note under cursor and scroll column beneath current note up.

Left Ctrl + Left Shift + Insert: Insert clean row into column and push all data in current column down.

But i’m on a Macbook, so i’m not sure what the insert key even is.

heh. Dunno, using hackintosh with pc keyboard. I think you can setup it in any way you like. Don’t has to be the insert key.