new meta device - register device

The title almost says everything.

The Idea would be to have a “register device”, named as inspired by organ controls.

A bit like a hydra, but the other way round. Instead of spreading a control over multiple targets:

One device with a number of sliders (8,16,24,32) with each mapping a parameter like the hydra does. Or multiple parameters like doofers and macros can do.

It is also inspired a bit like how the inst. midi or inst. automation devices deal with plugins. Or like a doofer device with x macros, but not restrained to the inside of the doofer, but able to link outside and all over the place.

The reason to have this is to be able to put one device somewhere in the track (first position…) or the instrument effects, and link it to parameters that could need to be tuned or automated. This way you don’t need to look for the relevant parameters all over the place, but can quickly access them in a single prominent position.

This actually a pretty good idea; it could be accomplished just by adding multiple, nameable “input” parameters to the hydra device. Would be useful to use as an overview of parameters in a really long FX chain, especially in mixer view.

+1 If you mean that the sliders would have full-duplex, so that they basically are aliases for other parameters?

This seems logical as long as the signal flow doesn’t strictly imply going one-way (like in Hydra, where all outputs are controlled by one input). So I don’t think it would fit in Hydra for that reason, but in a separate “alias device”.

PS. Taking the idea a bit further, it would be cool if you could then route these parameters as outputs too - pratically being able to snatch a value from a VST and route it to your LFO. (I’m not sure Renoise could technically achieve that in realtime, though. And maybe it would have other implications, like the risk of creating feedback loops by mistake).

Yes, thats what I mean.

A device with lots of sliders, from which each can be linked to parameters everywhere around.

It really is mainly for making complex modulation or configuration setups easier to handle. And to have for each setup one prominent device from where you can control stuff that is scattered around the place.

It would also be useful for complex instruments with more than 8 key parameters. Instead of directly using the macros, you would set up the register, and link the macros to only the sliders you wish to automate for that instance.