Vocal Resynthesis

Is there a plugin or way to take one voice sample and re-pitch it with the same speed each time you play it with a different note?

Kontakt can do this. Load a sample and choose “time machine” from a dropdown in the source menu. There are different algorithms to choose from to do this.

I believe the autotune alike plugins are built so they not only are suitable for making the singer seem to sing with perfect pitch, but they can often also be used to tune a voice/singing track to certain notes. Well, maybe because sometimes singers are so drunk and fucked up that snapping to the closest note in scale just isn’t enough…I think to remember some autotuners have midi input to the plugin so you can control what the singer was supposed to…

I’ve once done a setup with a free open source autotune clone with a keytracker, it allowed me to pitch spoken voice tracks to any melody. Even to extreme pitches, though then the voice more and more sounded a bit…unnatural. Also the free plugin had way inferior sound quality to autotune and co though, it had lots of artifacts. I bet the expensive plugins are much better.

Autotune plugins can be a bit like vocoders, but way more natural sounding. They are optimized for singing timbres. General pitch shifters probably can also be made to do it, but they often work with algorithms no dedicated totally to voice, so they sound ok on other material but not as natural when speech/singing is considered. It is also a matter of treating voice formants the right way.

I hope that is what you are looking for, you didn’t describe it clearly.

You could spend a lot of time manually repitching in Audacity for free or you could spend 399,00 € on Kontakt.
Autotune has this thing that you just gotta hate.

does kontakt also detect the original base pitch of the sample, and warp it around to the new note? just pitch shifting spoken or singing voice by notes will normally also be shifted around by the original note/pitch, which can change a lot, if you know what I mean. autotuners (theres cheaper clones that do the same job without the industry standard glitter…) automatically detect the base pitch of the input, and compensate it to the target note.

Also dem dang tuners are realtime usually. not only on the note, but also on the input voice side.

Depending of what result you want, you can use :

  • Pitch shifters
  • Vocoders
  • Talk boxes
  • Auto tunes

All of them can use MIDI notes to set the pitch of your final sound, without modifying its length.

I second Audacity, although yeah it’ll be a bit of work. There are a few algorithms to check out, including “Paulstretch”, which (I think) does a form of true resynthesis. I’ve used it to turn extremely short vocal samples (like .25 seconds and less) into very usable looped choir-like sounds, and it seems to have less distortion than the regular time-stretching stuff in Audacity. Also CDP has a variety of time-stretch algos. If you like scripting and have Reaper, I’m certain a script could be made up to automate the production of pitch-shifted samples using some very good offline algos in Reaper, also



no that is for research only, not for audio production.


I understood the question to be, "Is there a plugin that can do on-the-flysample repitching with fixed tempo?

I use Reaper to re-pitch wav files while maintaining the speed, but I’d love to be able to just drop a sample into an instrument, set the keyzone to C4, then if I hit a D4 it plays that sample at the same speed but pitched a whole tone higher.

The Reaper VST does this in real-time so conceivably a Renoise VST could do the same. If it exists.

(I like this better for assorted instrument sounds than for vocals; vocals very quickly acquire a goofy quality when retuned more than a whole step away. The timbre seems to be mismatched.)

reaktor form is pretty fuckin awesome .


I understood the question to be, "Is there a plugin that can do on-the-flysample repitching with fixed tempo?

I use Reaper to re-pitch wav files while maintaining the speed, but I’d love to be able to just drop a sample into an instrument, set the keyzone to C4, then if I hit a D4 it plays that sample at the same speed but pitched a whole tone higher.

The Reaper VST does this in real-time so conceivably a Renoise VST could do the same. If it exists.

(I like this better for assorted instrument sounds than for vocals; vocals very quickly acquire a goofy quality when retuned more than a whole step away. The timbre seems to be mismatched.)

Thing with this is, Reaper’s using licensed algorithms (though maybe SoundTouch isn’t licensed, I’m not sure) that any plugin dev would have to also pay for. I don’t know if there’s anything comparable for free out there. The guys who make and license out the Elastique algos Reaper uses, zplane, used to have a freebie but I think it’s withdrawn.

Re: timbre mismatch – actually I’ve found ReaPitch does a fantastic job with vocal stuff if you use the Elastique Pro algo and set the secondary setting to one of the “preserve formants” settings (they all sounds pretty much the same to me), it creates a far more convincing pitched up vocal even several semitones up, I’ve found (though naturally it varies by source audio quality and other factors). It helps to prevent munchkin vocals. The Soloist algo doesn’t do as good a job, no option to preserve formants, although it’s the one meant for monophonic vocal/instrument tracks.