Sample slices pingpong loop-like effect?

I checked out the sliced breaks that someone on the forum provided.

I noticed that in some of the breaks the playback of certain slices would loop in a pingpong loop-like fashion.

There does not appear to be any loop applied to the sample slices.

How is this effect achieved?

loop function in the sample editor? Or maybe you’re listening/previewing an instrument that uses the phrase editor, note-events are programmed in combination with the offset command (SXX) or backwards command?

Its weird, loop was off in the sample editor, there was nothing in the pattern editor or phrase editor, but the playback scanned forwards, then backwards across the sample slices for as long as I held down the keys to which they were assigned.

It sounded good though, maybe there is a special trick to it


Select the slice in the sample list. Each slice should have a kind of grey “dummy” sample alias. Then you see a greyed out waveform of the slice you cannot edit. But you can enable looping for that slice and place loop markers! Each slice can have its own settings.

Awesome. I see it…thanks for your help, thats a nice effect.