Lemur app on Android

Hi crew …any of you have experience with the lemur app for Android…
Controlling Renoise…¡¡¡

I have a 10" screen tablet with pretty decent specs…and the lemur app costs only $25

Please any information you think its helpful please…
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I haven’t tried Lemur but I did have pretty good success with LK controlling Renoise on my Mac. It gives you several useful interfaces for inputting music, mixing, etc.


I haven’t tried Lemur but I did have pretty good success with LK controlling Renoise on my Mac. It gives you several useful interfaces for inputting music, mixing, etc.


well im going to check for it too

ive installed the lemur app :slight_smile:

so far ,succeed in sending OSC messages to Reaktor …and Midi to Renoise…but…what i want to do its to send osc messages to renoise

in order to do so…you need to have some knowledge on scripting in renoise :frowning:

im screw…

but the lemur editor its wild man…a lot of weird options…bouncing XY pads…unconventional …controllers …its awesome :slight_smile: