No Note off, is it a problem ? (and is there an auto note off function

Hi anyone who might read this,

I have been looking over Renoise for a while now, as a replacement for my old software for making music. I think I’m starting to reach an acceptable level to make decent music (IMO), yet I still can be considered as a beginner as I’m far from mastering the whole functions of that tracker.

My question was : Is it a big problem if I don’t set everytime a note off on my vst instruments’ track ? I thought particularly about the CPU use and how to save some.

Let me explain a bit better : I use a VSTi to make my kickdrums (hardcore music I have to mention). So each time I need a kick drum I simply place a note on. But As it is a very short sound, that doesn’t last eternally, I usually never place a note off anywhere in that track column, and actually don’t feel the need for it cause there quickly isn’t anymore sound.

BUT, does that way of doing is bad ? I mean, it’s like a silent notes is always playing in the background, so does that use CPU where there is no need, and is there another way to do ?

Maybe is there an automatic note off possible in any way that I still don’t know ? I have searched the forum and found a topic about that, but I don’t think it’s been implemented actually, maybe I’m wrong ?

Thanks for your help.

It’s fine, that’s a common way of working with percussion

plugins will probably stop consuming cpu by themselves when there is no sound output any more if they are done right.

oh and if you trigger notes in sequence in the same track/column I think renoise will trigger “hidden” note off commands just before passing the new note to the plugin automatically?

plugins will probably stop consuming cpu by themselves when there is no sound output any more if they are done right.

ah I was thinking samples, I’m not sure what happens with plugins. but…

oh and if you trigger notes in sequence in the same track/column I think renoise will trigger “hidden” note off commands just before passing the new note to the plugin automatically?

This is correct

renoise using samples will also detect when the samples have reached their ends, and go back to sleep. for plugins it will depend, but I guess any sane plugin will also suspend itself when there is no more work to do. for synths, only some old/mediocre effects plugins might be picky once in a while in that regard…

it should be obvious, that samples with loops or synths with infinite sustain stages while note is held will need a note off to be stopped?

The notes that don’t have a note off , will be released at the other side of the interwebz

note off triggers the release stage of an envelope.

Hi, and thanks all for your answers !

Yeah Pat the deal was about Plugins cause I knew samples were stopped when they reach the end.

GentleClockDivider, ragarding what I see in your signature, I guess you might talk french, so do I. Could you please explain what you mean by "The notes that don’t have a note off , will be released at the other side of the interwebz " ? I don’t get the point, sorry. :unsure: