Script Idea (Done): Pattern Divider & Juxtaposer

Depending on the length of the pattern(s), (for example the default 64, 4/4), I’d like to have the script divide the pattern(s) into N sections, which are stored into memory (for example 4 sections of 16 lines from one 64 length pattern) and paste these stored sections in a pattern-grid according to the new pattern length (with the starting points of each stored memory content according to new pattern length / N).

So if you would convert your 64 pattern to a 56 length pattern, it would automatically shift the 16 line sections to the new division of 14 lines (56 / 4). (or optional 56 / 8 = 7)

The first 16 line section starting from 0 would remain the same until line 13, than the new section should start on 14 cutting the previous one off. From 14 till pattern-line 27 the second clipboard copy would sound, from 28 to 41 the third and from 42 till 56 the last clipboard.

I think it would be great for quick auditioning of tracked patterns to another kind of groove / experimentation etc.

Maybe this can be integrated into dblue’s fractional pattern tool?


edit: I’ve modified this old post of mine to hopefully make it more understandable :)

This suggestion is downright fail, 41 views and no amen! :(

maybe nobody understands it without visual help? I know I don’t… :(

(how about automatable timing? would that be any help in your case? nevermind I don’t really know I mean by that, how it would actually be implemented… the big, mean bastard child of the groove settings and the delay column… it’s hairy, it smells, it makes funky music…)

I’ll do a microsoft-paint job later this afternoon, cheers

well, in my world is time signatures something that is needed because of notation. what i like about a tracker is that it’s so intuitive… you choose lpb and pattern length and you don’t need to know anything about time signatures. with these two parameters you can use any crazy tuplets and any time signature.

i think the proposed alternative line highlighting would kind of help with this? it would indeed speed up working with odd time signatures though.

edit: how about an option to create patterns that are multiples of lines long? pressing plus in the pattern length would up the length with x lines. i guess that’s what you are proposing on second thoughts! :>>

This more clear hopefully? :)

By doekiedoek at 2009-09-11

Yea I get it, already got it in first place, but there is like ton of things that start to fly around in my head when I think of this, I’ll try to catch a few.

First, we do not have time signatures in renoise. Therefore it is a bit difficult to convert from one to another. But I take it you can calculate necessary values from lpb and time sig settings and then convert it. But when it comes to your usage I would suggest possibility to adjust lpb with option that would actually shorten cut out the lines. This woul be easy and kill all the possible side-effects.

Then again converting a selection or track or just part of pattern is altogether different thing and would require more control, a bit like you suggested. But in your suggestion you aren’t really converting from time signature, but just adjusting beat length to divide a beat in some weird duplet. I think calling it that would clarify things a bit.

Yes, you can fit seven eighths in 56 lines, so you can make it be seven eighths if you want to. But if you consider the beats starting at shifted lines it is four fourteenths, or eight sevenths, which is weird.

I’m not saying this would not be good idea, I would use it, to be able to adjust pattern length in lpb. I would like to be able to adjust it in number of beats also, but that is a different thing. But for your usage to convert from time sig to another, well, it does convert it if you make it so, but with some side-effects. I guess those effects are what you are after, so go for it. I could use it.

oh, i misunderstood what you meant. :>

could be useful. i’d rather like some kind of non-musical term for it though cuz converting time signatures is something that doesn’t quite make sense in my head. what that would be i don’t know though. :)

To be honest I’m not so sure we need new features for cutting eight lines out of pattern. We have already things that allow that, just press that backspace, lazy boy!

If something I would like “fit into new lpb”-button below BPM-button so that if I make a beat in LPB16 and press that and adjust to LPB12 the notes are held in same relative positions and pattern length adjusted automatically.

You are right in your assessment of my engrish. Although I study at a conservatory, I don’t know jack shit on the correct musical terms and how they track out in Renoise. I mis-described this suggestion, but don’t know how it would be best described alternatively. Nevertheless, I like to see something like this since backspacing multiple tracks in multiple patterns gets old very quickly!

I think getting some max-msp patch to parse through patterns is a better plan & something I can do myself!

I second this. It would be helpful to those of us who want to program outside traditional time signatures, and it could help others understand “odd meters” if they don’t already.

Win win, I say.

Yay. Do it!

And, I really do not know how I put my mind around this before. Forget it. This is what it is intended to be.

bumpage for this old thread of mine now scripting exists and someone might be inspired to pick this up (Crosses fingers)

not completely what you want,but beatslaughter made a code snippet,that will change a tracks lpd settings(and pattern lengths)

but right now its not a tool

It is not anything like I want, but I love you all the same s-n-s :)

hehe well thank you jonas :unsure:

im no coder,but perhaps someone could use that snippet of code i linked to(made by beatslaugter)and make it into something that you could use


with your example what if it had a note on line 14 or 15

That note would be overwritten / ‘gone’, through the pasting of what’s inside the clipboard, though I can see an additional option for overlapping using multiple columns.

I’m imagining creating dense textures out of simple patterns, having them divided by N and juxtaposed into a new pattern of uneven length for example, think pattern resizer.

Help! +1 for fun.
More descriptions.