Linux: symlinks "sometimes" not showing up in file browser

This is annoying, sometimes symlinks aren’t showing up in the file browser :( Is this an intentional “feature”?

Also, it would be nice to be able to type a path directly when focusing the file browser. Trying to type something plays notes or enters them in the pattern :confused:

+1 particularly on the latter.

Yeah, it would be so awesome to just type, say, “~/instruments/mybeat001.xnri” directly in the filename box and press enter …instead of click clickity click your way to wherever you want to save a file…

Where are you typing? Renoise is supposed to focus on the search, or the save… When you are trying to use the browser. It sure doesn’t, “play or enter notes,” here. So… maybe you have asked it to focus somewhere else?

I’m guessing the command is the same on Linux… If you, “Alt + Click,” and you see brackets appear, that is where your keyboard is currently focused.

When the yellow corners are around the TEXT FIELD where i can enter text, typing enters text like it’s supposed to. Pressing enter switches the focus back to the file list (and ignores what i typed, ie “…” doesn’t go to parent directory) and now the note keys play notes, and record them in the pattern if edit mode is on. But the arrow keys still navigate between the files.

Same behaviour with the windows version in wine.

+1 for typing in a name and pressing enter on keyboard to save