Idea: Add a new "Model's Type Menu" in Automation Editor

Just add beizer curves to the automation and be done with it ffs! You shouldn’t need 20 nodes just to make a slope. Could accomplish that with two and just dragging the middle line upwards or downwards to create the ramp.

Does anyone have any other ideas to further improve the Automation Editor?

I wonder what yourselves think!

Does this tool you use it much?Do you use often this editor?

Check out, search the main suggestions forum, throughout the years there have plenty threads about it, surely with mock ups and all, from multiple lanes for different effects on top of each other to the implementation of bezier curves.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a dedicated tab for it, pressing a ‘more’ button or something to have it take the whole screen, implement all kinds of shape generation methods that can be changed through modulating similar to the instruments editor modulation section. Basically have most of the automatron & automashers functionality natively, but pimped and better integrated.

Just add beizer curves to the automation and be done with it ffs! …

I wouldn’t mind seeing a dedicated tab for it, pressing a ‘more’ button or something to have it take the whole screen, implement all kinds of shape generation methods that can be changed through modulating similar to the instruments editor modulation section. Basically have most of the automatron & automashers functionality natively, but pimped and better integrated.

These are the things I want to know,at present.I know that the forum is much talk about this,in the past.Now that is version 3.1, I personally see the evolution of automation has been ignored.I have just proposed a basic idea added to keep things simple. But I see that there are someuseful things that could be added, natives.ç

I work more or less fluid around Renoise less automation and the keyzones,which it is where most I brake.I find it a little “cumbersome”,as it affects almost all parameters.

Do we all agree that something is missing? Or is it more than enough with everything already? Do we want to improve automation?Do you prefer to use external tools, or native tools?

Every time something is added native (under the hood) in Renoise, everyone cheers.

If anything, I have to tweak the automation in real time. The two tools above mention are cool, but I could never get the hang of them. But even with recording if you doing quick automation you don’t really get what you recorded. It’s this using points for the automation. It can’t plot quick automation changes.

Oh well. There’s always next year. lol.

^You use this for recording what you heard. dblue made the core of it.