Renoise Blender Connection

What the hell happened here? Am i dreaming or can everyone else see this thread?!

Yeah, I use Blender a bit for work. I would have never thought there could be interesting benefits from being able to connect the two though!

The Blender interface is incredibly clever, once you understand it. Interestingly, despite all the potential for customisation I generally find myself just working with one or two set configurations of screens and much of that potential goes to waste.

I personally think that the Renoise interface is perfect. Just the right amount of customisation possible.

Yeah … I think that renoise interface is perfect, because it is stable I always find right knobs and sliders during the gig, regardless how stoned I am : P <*~~ ~

It have been awesome summer up here in Finland, so many great gigs, some also at northern Norway

It would be so great to use this Blender 3D at the gigs also. So I need to spend more time with this topic . . . . : D

btw I am heading down from Tromsø towards Oslo, so if there is any renoisers on the way it would be nice to meet . . .

Blender live? Wow that would take courage. One slip of the mouse onto a window resize tab and it would all be over :lol:

Nice thread :))
And yep! I vote for node editor inside Renoise :)

Any more volunteers? I was serious :drummer:
Lets make VJ revolution —>

Sorry to have monologics here, but … there have been so much happening at the Rægæ System headquarters. And I don’t see any other way to continue than DVJ revolution :stuck_out_tongue:

And this topic have been so much fun, during recent months it’s caught me around interesting themes, bump q-:

I have been also very poor lately and I am planning some crowdfunding for upcoming albums, releasing blog soon :confused: , making new game, planning to release all songs also in xrns and too many other things . . .

Anyways , alongside all this I am going to focus on this realtime DVJ - project ← help/joining is most welcome, I am going to keep project files open as possible for everybody to enjoy →

Not blender related, but I just stumbled over this:

It’s made by sunjammer, Renoise user and expert Haxe programmer. Here’s the project description:

He also put up a demo, with flash generated visuals and a nice tune to match:

Thanks! That sounds very similar to that what I am trying to do … looking closer -->


PD like modular system for synth, effects and event programming inside renoise. +100 !

Have anyone successfully connected PD as a instrument in renoise ? Is it possible ?

If only this were updated since 10 years ago :

Time to check Renoise3 rt pd/3D capabilities . . .

these are my 2 favorite programs. how have i missed this thread?

what’s the current setup? just using PD as an OSC bridge between renoise and blender? how are the OSC vars getting into blender?