Renoise Compressor does not work correctly (with video)

one of the many things that needs improvement …

I remember reminding taktik of the instr.moog filter , reso set to + 0.9 giving earpiercing results , hope he didn’t forget …

You can always just build your own compressors with the signal follower and lfo/formula device connected to a filter/gate/compressor/eq band and have any compressions/expansions you like, tpl’s the limit, at 130BPM 16TPL 16LPB that should make 1.8ms resolution for the follower itself (use floor on the gate for precise control).

there is something weird in buscomp (and compressor too) happening. i’ve tested a lot of vst comps in renoise and they are doing things pretty similar, more or less…
but renoise compressors is totally… weird (crap?). for example here is my test fabfilter pro-c vs buscomp.
both settings identical:
attack 500ms
release 50ms
ratio 20:1
threshold -36db
knee hard/0db
no pre/post makeup or gain
why there is a HUGE gap in buscomp before compressing is really starts? its ok?

Renoise ratio value is obviusly wrong.
Its envelope is very weird, attack looks like delay and it lasts much longer than it should. I thing this depends on a compressor so it would be nice to compare more styles in pro-c and more plugins also.

Better default plugins is what i miss the most.

Renoise devs needs a proper dsp coder with a REAL musical background…like VOS/TDR/vladg to name a few. With the Renoise goes 3 i am more and more looking into Live…really not sure now about the future developments of R3. Kinda dissapointed.

Oh, havent seen that Fabien Schivre (the man behind Tokyo Dawn Records and co-op superb plugins like TDR Comp and SlickEQ) is already contributed some dsp stuff to Renoise.

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How Fabien contributed to the renoise ?
Btw renoise developers are good coders and dblue is very respected developer. That being said i agree that more people in team would be great.


Dunno exactly how, he is credited, section about.

heres some example code of a compressor in ReaJS. This is from the site:

does someone in the know have an idea why the renoise compressor is going wrong?, because yes it is behaving like an entirely different kind of compressor.

slider1:-10<-120,6,1>Threshold [dB]


thresh = 10 ^ (slider1 / 20);
ratio = slider2;
attack = 10 ^ ( (2000 / srate) / 20 );
release = 10 ^ ( (60 / srate) / 20 );

maxsamples = max(abs(spl0),abs(spl1));
maxsamples > thresh?
seekgain = (thresh + (maxsamples - thresh) / ratio) / maxsamples; 
): (
seekgain = 1
gain > seekgain? (gain /= attack; ):(gain *= release; );
spl0 *= gain;
spl1 *= gain;

The bus compressor in Renoise in not a classic feed-forward compressor, but analyzes the incoming signal with two envelopes: a RMSenvelope of the HP filtered input and a peak envelope on the feedback path (on the gain reduction itself). So you can’t really compare it to a simple and straightforward compressor such as the “Compressor” in Renoise. Such a topology often is referred to as “feedback compressor”.

The combination of such a feed-forward and feedback gain reduction is pretty unique. If that’s musically useful to you or not is something you have to decide on your own.

But the bus-compressor and compressor’s gain reduction display does indeed not match the dB labels of the input and other meters. That’s a display issue only though. Will try to get that fixed.

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