Renoise Soundcloud 2015 Playlist

If there’s still space, here’s one from me:

Looking forward to hear the playlist once it’s done. Keep it up Renoiser’s! :drummer:

Great idea Heartbeathero! Maybe I missed the cutoff

my best track this year chiptune breakcore

Yeah! I hope it will become a tradition!

Thank you for the initiative HeartBeat!

Here’s mine :

Have a wonderful 2016 everyone!

I think there might already be twenty, but if not, here’s mine:

First 20 40 submissions will be included in my playlist.

Changed to first 40 submissions. :slight_smile:

Here is one the whole family can enjoy

Probably my best track so far

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thanks for the opportunity, Daniel! I really appreciate that! :slight_smile:

I have been wondering for some time which of my tracks would be the most suitable for the playlist. It was very difficult to pick up my favourite one. However, in the end, I chose “The Heaven”. I hope I have picked right. It is up to You to decide. :slight_smile:

I had a listen of all the tracks already submitted and it really is refreshing to hear so much diversity in the Renoise community!

Lots of people will find something that they like. And the production quality is pretty high for most of the tracks.

Again, awesome idea! Can’t wait for the full playlist!

My New Years resolution is to make more than 1 tune a year but for now here is my 2015 effort:

Wish u all a revealing 2016. Renoise keeps surprising me every day. Hope you’ll like my less rhythmic potential addition to the list.


btw. this is all renoise you hear.

Bit ashamed for not posting earlier.

2015 has definitely been more of a learning experience more-so than a creative experience, Here’s to more creations now that I have more ideas in my head! Also thanks for doing this again HBH I appreciate it!

Here is mine:

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

don’t know if i got in on time and i produce music at such a terrifying rate and am without a pro account such that this song would naturally be recycled in 2 months time but

hell with it i’ll try to keep this one up

i’ve made 6 hours worth of music this last half year it is pretty hard to pick a fav out of that 6 hours of stuff, more so considering only 2 hours of the content is on soundcloud

enjoy my weird

I’m sorry butGannybib is not from last year. Please submit an older song.

as for the reasons specified there is no point i delete my songs within a month of making them due to the pace of my output so it wouldn’t hang about on your playlist very long

I dig the idea. If I’m not too late:

Happy new year, RNSers.

GREAT idea. Might be too late, but if not, here’s one:



i,m stefbase and i use renoise (real version) more than a year, i want to be active here

i listen to the songs in this topic , some tracks arerealy dope! i will post here soon more!

Hello again, everyone,

I have been asked by Outstander (Nor Tamena is his nickname on Renoise forums) to post his best song of 2015 because he can’t reach the internet for some time now and he has always missed the chance to appear on the playlist with his remarkable talent for music.

He wishes You all Happy New Year, by the way!