Timbaland Stole From Mod

I said it on ctg… and I’ll say it here… timbaland has produced some of the only rap songs I’ve ever liked… he’s produced most of Missy Elliot’s stuff… which is quite a bit different than most other rap… but I don’t condone what he’s done here. It’s not hard to ask permission. The guy’s got talent, and an ear for sound (he chose a cool chiptune :P) … but he’s not very honest… and for this reason, I’ve lost respect for him.

How you know that after that? ;)

What a sad person timbaland is to STEAL (no, not remixing, not rearranging), just SAMPLING the original track 1:1 and selling it under his name, having no respect of someone elses intellectual property? Now, that’s shameless!

I really hope he’s gonna get his ass sued off.

timbalands answer:


hes so retarded… :blink: he says that for stealing a song you have to break into composers house :lol:

Not only that, but he’s claiming that tempest just sampled his song from a video game in the first place… ignorant twat

I didn’t have enough patience to listen to the whole thing. I gave up when he said “I live in America, I hear it, I just sample it…”. Too annoying for me. Especially as he seems to be acting offensive towards Tempest.

heh. well as an American (why do i feel weird saying that?) i must say that i am horribly offended by Timbaland’s track, his thievery, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity… very sad and frustrating.

This thread is fascinating. Makes me angry!!! But halfway thru reading i started feeling this contradiction because I just recently sold 2 tracks using the amen loop.

different yes… because i chopped it, processed it, re-sequenced it (with renoise of course :) ) but the same in that the sound of amen is obviously there… it was a chiptune-ish -amen-jungle track.


anyways… im not famous, never will be, dont wanna be, only make enough money from selling my music to justify staying up late all night everynight and having no friends to do it.

oh and Timbaland is a dick.

This is different. What he did was not sampling…

What pisses me off is that he is so arrogant towards Tempest… he could say that he is sorry and that he didnt know, that he thought this was some old videogame song that nobody cared about etc…

but after that total BS that came out of his mouth i dont respect him AT ALL

As much as this crap sickens me atm… man it hurts … and its not even my music that got ripped…

but as far as the way timbaland is acting. its just a front.GOTTA BE. for the hip hop heads …
just to keep his mystique and his arrogantness that DOMINATES hip hop music / culture.

i know its all BS act . I work with rappers and hip hop AND THESE GUYS KNOW NOTHING about saw waves. square pulse, SID 's or any shit like that. hell man they dont even know how to record themselves yet ( but been rapping for 15 years)…

then on the other scale we have a beat maker whose sampled and composed and produced blah blah. uses SID sounds for 15 years etc etc.

He is not the hard crim DOESNT CARE THAT HE RIPPED OFF A C-64 ARTIST type of guy . The truth will come out and more than likely cash outta court.
and a little ’ damn man, sorry I need to tone down my sampling! ’

well thats what i’d hope for.

its either that or now I hate timbaland coz he’s a leechin’ arrogant theivin’ bugger…

thats my rant haha

ya… just sayin.

btw… Timbaland and Nelly Furtado were nominated for a Grammy and lost last night.

Anyone mind posting up what he said?

They blocked youtube here at work :(

basically he gets asked about it by a sycophantic interviewer and tries to hip hop attititude out of it with arguments that make no sense and only serve to make him look like a bigger tosser.

lol @ trying to use the standard “ganster, hip hop rapper” attitude thing.

OMG, what an idiot,

  • if I go in to your home and stole your pro tools set and used it in my place, that is stealing.
  • what I did was just sample it.


Nothing directly connected to Timbaland vs. Demoscene but somehow interesting…


Timbaland vs. Tempest feels much more obvious than this one.
The only similar between the Rubinoos vs Avril Lavigne is that they both sing “Hey hey, you you” and the followed by two pretty similar phrases “I wanna be your boyfriend” and “I don’t like your girlfriend”…’
To sing “Hey you” and something about your heartmate doesn’t feel very uncommon in music industry ;) Sure, the chorus riff in is pretty similar aswell, but not an exact rip off, and not the whole song as in the timbaland vs tempest rip off… ;)

any news regarding the timbaland ripoff, anything settled in court or still pending?

I don’t think we’ll have news about the sue anytime soon, these cases take years, and will like usuall end up with the ripper’s label making a financial arrangement with the ripped guy, to avoid a court judgment and bad publicity.

Big label’s “artists” ripping off independants and amateurs isn’t something new, it’s just becoming more obvious thanks to internet.

I think that all the drama around this is unnecessary.

Timbaland doesn’t deserve all this publicity

The youtube video also has a link to the transcript: http://www.zxdemo.org/extra/timbaland_radio_transcript.txt

If I had the rights I would hang him myself :angry: