Vote for renoise!

I mostly use reason recently, but still vote for renoise

it’s quite high actually.

This poll does not tell which DAW is the best, it tells which one is the most popular. Huge difference.

I still voted for Renoise though, but that was only because it actually is the best. :smiley:


Thanks Everybody! I always like to represent when these DAW poll’s come around. Renoise is the only DAW I would die for <3

I voted for Renoise and Tracktion. I guess my musical preferences are never quite mainstream. :slight_smile:

Can i ask about your workflow?
I bought tracktion for mixing on my laptop and for great freezing system but i hate its step sequencer that everybody likes (you have to set every line individually etc.)
I dont like its piano roll also.
So for now i just render everything for renoise into pieces and then recompose it in the tracktion.
So i am currious how Tracktion enchances your workflow. Thanks :slight_smile:

Akiz, I use Tracktion mostly for recording and working with audio (acoustic instrument) tracks because of the way it handles takes and comping, which is the most intuitive approach (for me) that I have seen in a DAW. It’s much faster for me than in Reaper, and I vastly prefer the one-window GUI, which is something I love about Renoise too. I bought the “Tracktion Explained” course at Groove3 and watched it, but haven’t really done much with MIDI or the in-line sequencer so far. It is the stuff I use Renoise for anyway. :slight_smile: Now if Renoise had audio tracks…

Basically, I use them for different things entirely and there’s not much overlap as far as workflow is concerned.

So, no difference :-).

I voted for Renoise. Renoise is the best on the list in my opinion. I was happy to see that FL Studio is beating Ableton though!

Renoise made it into the top 10, ranking 10:

Interesting results, I didn’t expect bitwig to be 4th, in the top 10 at all actually , expected reason to be much higher.

I’m a bit of a sucker for numbers, and noticed the following trend

Bitwig Studio 8.07 %

PreSonus Studio One 5.04 %

Propellerhead Reason 4.03 %

The only one who hit bulls eye?

Renoise 3.03 %

I’m a bit of a sucker for numbers, and noticed the following trend

Bitwig Studio 8.07 %

PreSonus Studio One 5.04 %

Propellerhead Reason 4.03 %

The only one who hit bulls eye?

Renoise 3.03 %

Half Life 3 TB-303 emulator module for Renoise upon Redux release confirmed