Why R3 is not advertised more?

I´ve always wanted to make some Renoise video but i could make it attractive enough to let it out :slight_smile:

I am not sure how often you watch zines about Daws, plugins etc but there are a lot of things more complicated than renoise mentioned… I dont see biggest problem here. Even Revisit appears to has better promo :-).
I am just talking about announcment about R3, nothing more…
There were (on KVR for example) when beta came out, but not final.

Was thinking about this too. When the beta 3 was out i saw some news on rekkerd.org and a few other blogs. But when it was final nothing, just a tread on this forum. Maybe someone on the renoise team should do some advertising for a few blogs and newspapers? No offence but this last release was really bad advertised.

Nothing shocking about that. When a software has open beta testing, it’s the moment of the beta announcement that is the juiciest part to pick up for any writer.
A software going gold really is just saying “OK, now we think that it’s mostly bug-free”

Visit the press/news section on renoise.com and you’ll see many articles about beta releases :D

As a community you can also do as much as you can.
I personally have been playing live in a Renoise t-shirt for instance.
I also inform other forums that I visit when a new version is out there. Always gets some conversation going.
Also I started a dutch facebook group called Renoise NL.

It’s a nice way promoting trough the community instead of being done by a big cooperate business.
the Renoise staff do what we want them to do most: Making a kick ass software to make music with.
the Renoisers want to make music first all. So in return we can pay for the software and show our support in the way that you please.

I also like Renoise because I have that Steve Jobs(Apple computers) mentallity of “we don’t use what the majority uses, we are pirates, so we use RENOISE” kind of mentallity.

I like Renoise because 1. its tight with MIDI/Sampling, it works, think vertically, and i can create step sequencing patterns on a bassline or synthline for hours…

True, that I have dabbled on using Logic Pro X but … when REDUX comes out, I will have to think about things…

Regardless, I really like REnoise 3

write a 3.0 release article for heise or golem (german magazines, though heise translates their articles), they have showed some guys doing algorithmic music and lately some gameboy chiptune stuff, and both wrote about bitwig

and tell them that anybody in the team once worked for ableton ;) (who actually?)

that article would read like tracker history blah blah atari,amiga,pc; alternate concept; vst technology; now complete modulation capabilities; serial vs. parallel modulation bashing and renoise <= reaktor; great value for price; lively community

good point,

renoise team dont see the point of ads… i seek the team we made all of our music in renoise we have good partners big names and so on…
but renoise devteam wont support us… but we have a good point of www.hssd.hu is our small company profile, but RNS devteam wont add us to ARTiST section, so whats the point of?
i will not beg

and a pointless facebook page with no updates and news…

Word of mouth is always more powerful than ads, yep. I don’t know about you guys, but do you buy plugins, hardware, etc based on ads you see? I don’t. Most of us probably use AdBlock anyway. The stuff I bought was always purchased because of forum posts or reviews (usually user recommendations).

One of the strong points of Renoise (for me) is that it’s “different” from the other DAWs. They all have their own workflows, but they are usually more similar to each other than to Renoise. What I like about it is that it feels like a computer program, not like an attempt to “simulate” studio hardware on the screen. When I make noise in Renoise, it feels like I actually make computer music. (Not sure how much sense that makes.)

But yes, there is a steeper learning curve, and having more educational video materials would help. Well, maybe one day I’ll know enough to contribute to that. :)

First post in various forum about various plugins is usually based on advert and nothing more. Then people try the product and discussion goes on :-].

Renoise is the best kept secret.

Well this is nonsense in my opinion. Also pros and semi-pros are afraid of Renoise’s concept, of course because they do not know it. And they doubt that Renoise is capable of everything that a traditional system can do. So the learning curve of Renoise should be flattened.

1st rule of renose u dont talk bout renose k???

Yups indeed:Don’t ask, don’t tell.

I am coming from traditional daws. I ve learnt renoise cause it was cheap, musicradar gave it full score and dubstep forum users were praising it. :slight_smile:

R3 looks like a necessary big update of the core engine. It doesn’t change your old way to track music with it, but it allows you to use new / alternative methods for modulating sounds, and organising your musical components. You can’t expect it to be placed in the hype zone, and get enthusiastic reviews, because the improvements that have been coded, are too … deep, to be noticed by the average newbie or the average daw user.

I like the packaged demosongs but… in makes the package heavier, and if people don’t like most of them, (if for example, they just like the dubstep genre, and they don’t like anything else) it could be a problem. So the demosongs should be downloadable, you could browse them by genre and download them from a "renoise webbrowser’.

The demo and tutorial songs make up around 11 MB of Renoise’s install size on disk. This is more or less the same size it was back in the 2.8 days.

The real weight of 3.0 comes from all the new factory content, which totals around 140 MB on disk. Around 17 MB of that is taken up by impulse responses for the Convolver device, and around 120 MB is instruments and samples.

Regardless, I’d still say that Renoise’s footprint is quite tiny compared to other software. I think 11 MB is the least of our worries here :]

(Giving users easier access to a larger library of demo songs and other content would of course be kickass, and is something we’re actively thinking about)

Hey, yes 11Mb.

However, I still think that some people would like some dubstep demosongs. It could be cool to organise some competition for the next 3.1 release where trackers propose their best “popular genre” demosong that is limited to a .xrns of 1MB (for example) and shows the best of Renoise. Some Content Libraries should be available from a webbrowser window that you open from the Menu, and you could also find demosongs in that kind of webbrowser. So that users that download the demo would find more examples of what can be done with the software.

Every people involved in the competition would see their tracks featured in the content library zone, and would be probably be more “active” to promote renoise through their own artists pages.

Or Hip Hop, or Bigbeat, or …

I’d rather vote for making the instruments an additional download. Right now, they are rather specific ones anyway, opposed to a general library, so their usage is not necessarily useful for everyone.

I like your idea very much! We can start right now i suppose.
Lets show that Renoise can make these trap hihat rolls even better than fl studio.
Has cross-track modulation possibilites not like Bitwig studio where meta devices are tied to the track.
Every sample can be made to the wobble!
You wanna make glitch? No problem with these pattern commands and randomization.
Or IDM? Which other daw has note probability?

Etc. Etc. :lol:

Indeed, there are so many interesting genres to promote through Renoise, probably unprobable genres, new fusions. I think that there are dozens and dozens of sub-genres in the electronic music, and that goes the same for every other main general genres, what would lead us to browse all the spectrum of musical identities ; it would be somehow very interesting to prove that renoise has become mature enough to make every kind of music and not just electronic music.

It’s time to develop all the Content Libraries logic inside the software, and think about the way to share creations, patches, more easily together : this kind of “social activity” around renoise would undirectly but dramatically increase the popularity of the software on internet ; because it would allow us to enter in a kind of social creativity, sharing bricks of music and proudly showing our best efforts with achieved compositions.

I don’t expect from renoise.com to host anything but “deep links” to .xrns or .xml or .xrnis, for now, because servers are expensive, and I see the “renoise webbrowser” like a window that could just display a “dynamic zone”,where users could browse genres, browse instruments by categories. Concerning the metadata, and deep links to contents, I think that it would be a mistake to let every user to create categories or add contents ; like forums are everyday spammed by unwanted contents and childish behaviours, this dynamic zone would be also spammed so… I’d allow only registered users to add new content when entering the login & password they use to access to their “backstage”, for example.