If I enter a Delay Column value and 0DXX value in the same row, the 0DXX fx is ignored
This makes sense on an operational level (ie the note is triggered after the effect value is tiggered), but it’s not really a desirable behaviour. Am I missing something?
Seems to work fine here in both 3.0.1 and 3.1 — The note delay and pitch down commands are combined correctly, resulting in a pitched down and delayed sound.
I’ve realised the problem - in my project (attached) I have the Ticks set to 1 in Song Settings (to hackily disable the slidey effect with 0DXX/0UXX fx)
Is this issue surmountable? I loves my 0DXX and I’m in the mood for triplets too!
cool glad i’m getting into the nitty gritty with this thing
i can’t see any reason why 1TPL should stick a spanner in the works from a user point of view, obviously it’s understood that programming may be an entirely different matter though!