1.27 Status Report

Yes, we finally come to an end.
All the main small remaining problems / bugs are fixed, now we only need to finish the new help file.
Pulsar and Netpoet currently work like berserkers on the new redesigned helpfile, wich will also be online available. If everythig goes well, we will be finished after this weekend with all the stuff then.

I think it was good that have spend that much time with bugfixing and solving small problems. Renoise grows continuesly. If we dont manage to make a point and fix all these small stuff now, we will never have a robust software, wich is more important than having lots of new features that work only half.
But there are also some small problems that we cannot fix now and have to delay till the next release. It would be to dangerous to fix them now and not worth it. We would have to test the whole software again very carefully, wich would bring us back to the beta status. I will give you more detailes about these problems when we release the final version.

Thanks for helping us finding all those small problems and for being patient. I know that from a non software developers but cosumers view, it might be hard to understand why all this takes so long, but we do our best and are everything else than lazy.

Don’t worry, Taktik


We know how hard you guys work, and we respect it alot. And your new versions of Renoise, beta or RC or whatever it would have to be, is being released at very high tempos. :yeah:

All respect to you, Renoise team!!!

And thanks for bringing the best tracker, AND music program around to us humble users B)



you guys :wub:

damn I need a larger font :drummer: :lol:

It could not be better :)

Taktik, you gave us all one of the greatest piece of music software ever!

Thanks and regards will never be enough for this wonderful developing team… :D

[B] R - O - C - K O - N [B]
:guitar: :drummer: :guitar:
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Sorry Taktik…just one question… Do you need someone to translate the help file or some piece of it into Italian? I would love to do it… if you think about it, please let me know! B)

you can also answer me by email

cya :ph34r:

hach, youuu guys made us living on cloud seven :drummer:

huh? does this mean we will have a multilingual helpfile in the future?

about the translation… the situation is this:

  • currenty we adapt the old helpfile to match the new renoise CI / CD
  • other ppl (andreas) are currently rewriting the manual
  • when andreas finished his job, we’ll merge the html help and the written one

when this is done, we can hand out the needed files / texts for the manual. we’ll appreciate any user-contributed stuff to the manual.

anyway. if you want to add a section or translate some parts of the manual, feel free to contact me. we’ll see what makes sense.