I know it was mentioned before, but I think it would be nice addition, if you were allowed to set different screen for different monitor - like the ones you have now (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) would be assigned to different screen… then you could have one for entering notes, the other for mixer etc…
another suggestion, would be dsp plugin visualiser… basically it would just open up all effects you have in dsp chain and when you would change to another track, there would be it’s chain etc…
when combined this with mixer it could help to tweak parameters easier and have better global overview about what’s going on would be nice if renoise internal effects had some simple skins as well, but it could be used as it is in dsp chain now too … what i have in mind is something like the rack in reason, which would be made of plugins , and set in certain fixed area within renoise , that you can change like sample editor, instruments etc… hope you understand what I mean. This combined with multiple screens would be great imo
I suck with photoshop, so I just made a screen of what I have in mind …
In this case it would be aligned from left to right the same way you have it in dsp chain and you would of course need to be able to scroll in such window, it could also be scrolling horizontally