2 Questions...

Is it possible to automate the bypass button?
This whould be very convenient for delays, reverbs, chrous/flangers etc.
If it is possible how is it done?
One other question.
How can I record midi automation while renoise is playing a pattern?
For instance, I link my midi keyboard to renoise, build a pattern and want to automate a knob or fader by hand with a button on my midi keyboard.
How is this done?
Thanks in advance.

automation is simple.

be sure you are at the position in the pattern editor where you like to do the automation.
then simple make a right click on the on/off button of the delay device, something like 1f00 should set to the pattern fx column then.
do it again to toggle between on/off.

Alright, and how do I record automation, anyone who can explain that?
Live recording via a midi controller?

Well you’d need to have renoise following the players position (for my computer here at work the keyboard shortcut is Scroll Lock).
Then, while it’s playing, it’s just a simple case of turning it on and off (right click) wherever.
XF00(off)/XF01(on) X=the number the effect comes in the order left to right. So if your effect is the third one in - 3F01/3F00

I dont use midi controllers, but i’m sure it would just be a case of assigning a button to the bypass control and then using the follow players position option?


Ok so that whould practically mean for instance, I have a TB 303 plugin, I Assign a midi controller knob to the cutoff in the plugin, I hit play and and move it in the right track, it will record that automation?
Gives me the ability to make my automation a bit more human.
Thanks for the advice so far, by the way.

You’d need to add an Automation Device (found in the DSP list)…then make sure you have the phosycon(orwotver303emulatoryouuse)chosen, then assign the cutoff to one of the parameters in that device with the drop down list(if it isnt already)…THEN, you would assign that to a midi controller knob/button/wotever and control it via that while it plays.
Remember to turn the Follow Player Position on tho otherwise…well, it’s just obvious… once you do it.
Good luck with the acid.

Alright thanks, sounds logical.