I love using L.F.O , especially as a one shot envelope. However, I often find that with the amount of automation I want to use it for, I end up taking a lot of time copying and pasting the “reset” pattern effect command.
I have seen people ranting on about wanting to give the L.F.O. device multiple routing capabilities, but I’d like to add a second, different suggestion with different applications.
How about making the L.F.O reset function triggerable by instrument note ons.
By which I mean one could toggle a -“use note on from instrument [pick instrument no.] to trigger reset”-. This would turn any instrument into a powerful modulation source for ANY effect on ANY track.
You could have it so that it ignored ghost notes too etc…
I have no idea how easy or hard routing changes like this are to implement. I imagine if they were easy we would have tons of options like this already.
I, personally, would go absolutely apes**t if this were implemented.
Anyone agree?