A Substitute To Pianoroll

It will hopefully never work anything like cubase! Well cubase might have something good I just don’t know what, too bad I had to buy that crap long time ago…

Quick correction of midi or even QWERTY recorded data is very useful, it’s a rare case where the mouse is faster than the keyboard, because you need to adjust many different places across the track.

A simple quick ability to drag cells with right mouse button would be nice.

Yes, of curse you can turn this off. Think of this like selection tools you got in software like photoshop. Some sort of ‘tolerance’ for selection could be very handy. Bundling things was more aimed for fx’s etc. Not so much on notes really (except that Note and corresponding Note-Off are bundled like a selection (single object) of course).
Also remember that we might get clips involved in this as well. Then you can convert any selection in pattern editor to a clip (then the data always stick together inside the clip). You then just move the clip around the same way you would move a single note around.

Pressing control while clicking on the selection will currently imediately start to move the selection. But I must admit that this it doesnt feel right if you want to move, not copy a selection…

With the new delay line this would work even better :) Wonder if there is any planned updates for pattern view imporments like this, when it comes to editing notes.