I think the possibility to apply settings to a selection of samples would really easen workflow with loops.
I think the possibility to apply settings to a selection of samples would really easen workflow with loops.
It was better if you specified which settings to be applied to a group of INSTRUMENTs, e.g. settings such as loop start/end points would not be useful if applied to a group of samples, but the settings in the Instrument Editor may sometimes be needed to be applied to a group of instruments. Currently you can copy/paste instruments and then replace the samples to do this.
I agree strongly with this. Finetuning cut-up breaks in grouped samples (one instrument) is where I would find this most useful, and is curently a big hindrance.The instrumet envelope editor is a way around most of what I need to do, but it would be nice to free it up for what it’s meant for.
+1 zillion!