About ear fatigue : headphones or speakers?

what did you use for the exciter?

seems like this could be useful for analysis of the space for treatment

It’s been a while, but I think I just used a pink white noise burst. It’d probably be best to use a sine sweep, though, if you wanted it closer to perfect.

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makes sense, thanks

I’ve gone back and forth between what I prefer. I now use cheap Sony MDR ZX110s as daily drivers but then test on other equipment - in particular, bass frequencies and phasing checks really need speaker setups. The reason for using the MDRs is actually related to a little-considered ergonomic fact: they’re lighter than “studio” headphones, so there is literally less to crush my head and neck with, which is a contributor to fatigue that is just as important as the timbre. And then I keep the volume as low as I can tolerate. The process is a game of making it sound good when I can barely hear it, and then only cranking it for fun.

It’s more important for my mix decisions to have a reference mix set up and to quickly and frequently go back and forth between the reference and my mix on the same listening setup, than it is to have that setup be perfect. For long sessions, I agree with the idea of using Pomodoro timers or similar. The other members of my household will switch on fans, air filters, etc. over the course of the day and the sudden blasts of white noise that they add and remove are also a good serendipitous cue for me to adjust my own volume. Getting that little jolt moves things along much faster than another 30 minutes of hearing the same loop.

Related to this is the strategy of focusing a session just on replicating an existing track, if only a few bars of it. Then your reference mix exists in two places: in the original track, and in a session file that you can bring up and look at.

Using “open” headphones help a lot to reduce ear fatigue

I have “open” headphones and “closed” headphones

“open” headphones->long sessions
“closed” headphones->finalization

Try the AKG 702

You will think differently

Transductors are the same…all is the same

the only difference is that this is assembled by chinese

the sound is exactly the same

My noise canceling headphones mostly removes lower frequencies and it feels calming to put them on in noisy environments, so i find it a bit strange if the high frequencies are responsible for ear fatigue?

To me it sounds like the higher mid range, around 1-3KHz is the most ‘annoying’ frequencies when they become too loud, i don’t know…

Now is my new strategy:

• be most careful about the volume, set the volume lower (checking the volume after a break could help to be more objective)
• make a break nearly every hour
• no too long sessions (after 2,5 hours, going for making something else)

Maintaining the volume lower is really the most issue.

I asked about that to my doctor, she said me the best is to stay around 70 db maximum, no matter about what genre of music, classical or EDM, headphones or speakers, under 70 db (mostly 60 db) for long play is better.

I would be super happy to have a tool wich can check (and limit) the volume in real db delivered in real-time, but this not exist I think.

You can just try one
If you don’t like it → return

If one day,mine is "dead’,I will buy it again

Yes this exist, but doing this on headphones, seems near impossible. :thinking:

Also you’ll be surprized how 70db is really quick to reach!
I’ve already try a similar app into Paris, in the metro, it’s sometime a far loud place!

with white noise,you can have a good starting point to calibrate

Yes,from this point of view,I agree 100%

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Effectively this seems more doable, I’ll try that.

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Finally I tried to measure the sound level with my smartphone… but failled on the headphones! :sweat:

That’s doable for the speakers, but this give not coherents measures on the headphones.
Seems that a smartphone not fit to do that.

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