Absolute, Flat Out, Kick Ass Timestreching In Renoise

I have posted on this forum moaning and complaining over a lack of real time timestretch on this forum so many times. (broken record).

I just wanted to say that I found the solution that I have been working for. It doesn’t just work, it flawlessly kicks ass, down the street, and back again.

I was browsing KVR looking for timestretchers and saw Mellodyne Editor. I knew that Mellodyne existed and had played with it before, but at the time it hadn’t been VST compatible. (Or at least I didnt know it was).

However, the current version is VST compatible. I downloaded the demo and it works in Renoise. I have had a crash with it, and there is a list of compatible and not-so-compatible DAW’s on the Mellodyne website. Renoise isn’t listed in either column.

I have to say though, that this VST is literally my dream VST. The reason I need timestretching is working with vocals. Stretching drumloops and simpler bits of audio can be done in any proram, but vocals are an entirely different cup of tea. If you are remixing a vocal and have to extend or shorten a phrase it’s very challenging to do in a typical audio editor (soundforge) because you don’t have the music playing with it in real time. It’s just no cohesive.

Mellodyne lets me pull, push and prod the audio, in real time anywhere I want, it keeps it soudning amazing. I honestly feel like I just downloaded a VST from the year 3,000. Now I could just be out of the loop, but in all of the posts here on this forum about time stretching, nobody has mentioned that Mellodyne editor works in VST and thus natively in Renoise.

It does, hopefully it’s stable (enough) to work with… and at least in terms of what it can do – I just loaded an old track with a vocal that didn’t sit right in the mix. And when I say didn’t sit right I’m not talking it was a bit off mastering wise. It was flat out broken, off speed about about 30 bpm in one part of the phrase… just broken. And Mellodyne fixed it in like 30 seconds of playing with this thing. I’m blown away. Honestly.

Don’t know if this helps anyone else, but I thought I would share it!

its expensive as hell

just tried the demo on some beats hehe man its crazy

just wished the price wasent that high

I thought I would reply to my own topic. Here is my broken audio, and the 10 seconds of work with Mellodyne running as a VST in Renoise to fix it. You can see from my example this would have been a real pain working in an audio editor and importing/exporting to try and get it to work:


http://www.remixonline.com/fixed.wav <-- fixed in seconds, in real time, with Mellodyne.

The fact that it’s a VST plugin means that by definition it’s not native to Renoise.

I think most folks will understand what I mean - that it can be run as a plugin from within Renoise, and thus sync up and integrate in a useful manner!

Considering how much demand there has been for time stretching, I wonder why no one else has mentioned this before. The program is just amazing.

it is good and has been mentioned before, though never hurts to repeat :) .

It is fairly expensive - I think you can pick it up for about $240.

With that said, it’s not that much when compared to the cost of your typical synth, and I consider this a synthesizer for vocals. I realize it isn’t synthesizing anything, but to me it’s a swiss army knife for remixing and working with vocals. On top of that it also works with any other material for stretching or compressing. I am pretty sure that I am going to pick it up, it solves my problem and I can’t ever see needing another timestretching solution.

yeh, melodyne is like “from the future” when it comes to timestretching vocals, seriously it’s amazing what it can do.

for example without melodyne this would have been a pain in the ass to remix :

About time streching, someone knows liveslice??? Its great, it can time streching, and do a lot of things with loops.But maybe is not good for vocals. And, i think, is more awesome to non-renoise users, in renoise we can do all the things liveslice do, minus time-streching.

wow thats a lot for just a time stretcher
you can get a free one here Scrubber
not sure if its any good, only just found it and havnt had a play yet
also found this Speedster

you can also do it the old fashioned way (protracker veteran here) Just Using Renoise with sample offset [09xx]
c#01 [0901]
c#01 [0901]
c#01 [0902]
c#01 [0902]

can we just get this feature added to renoise

You mean like licensing it from melodyne …?I don’t think they 'll ever do that .
Maybe a license from z plane ‘elastique’ almost all of the app’s out there have one or another 'zplane time stretch algo ’ licensed

Long, long time ago there was a poll open to registered users, since almost all the past entries have been fulfilled, maybe timestretching can be added in a new round?

Having been playing with melodyne editor for the last 2 weeks or so I can say that it’s far more flexible than timestretching.

I had been asking for timestretching for a long time in Renoise, with the plan to use it for vocals, but I can now see the need to nudge the timing of the phrasings around which would be a tremendous pain with basic timestretching. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but I think that a tool like melodyne is as specialized as a synthesizer. I’m not against putting timestretching into Renoise (obviously it will be handy), but for anyone who works with vocals and needs timestretching for that reason, I’m pretty solidly willing to say that Melodyne is by so far and away the best tool for the job I’ve found so far. It’s just an absolutely specialized tool, and it does what it does extremely well.

I’m trying to make myself purchase it, but it is expensive at about $250. With that said, I think it’s the only timestretching tool I’ll ever need, and because I like to use a lot of vocals that are borrowed, (in true oldskool techno fashion), i need to move the pitch and stuff around a lot and Melodyne is just the right tool for that job. I’m still blown away by it.

Is it possible to kind of circumvent the demo limitations of melodyne (dunno what they are exactly :) ) and just render to sample in Renoise when you set everything up in it? Beats paying $250.

I’ll have to tell you when my demo expires! (There is no functionality limitation that I can find in the demo).

I really don’t think that at $250 Melodyne is overpriced. Especially considering how helpful it would be to use for serious producers and artists that need it to make corrections to the source material. It’s just for me this is a hobby and as such it’s an expensive investment. I don’t doubt the value, I really feel the proposition is fair for what you get… but that doesn’t really make me feel like paying it any more. =)

Eventually I will probably break down and get it. (Probably the first time I’m making great headway on a song and it comes to a screeching halt because my demo is expired and I need it to fix a vocal). I guess Renoise has spoiled many of us with it’s super low level of cost!

Considering that the analogy 5 years ago (Pitch and Time for Pro Tools) was not nearly as flexible and cost like $800, I’d say Melodyne @ $250 is a steal.

theres someone on KVR selling the older melodyne for 95euros you can then upgrade to melodyne editor for 119euro
