I’ve done some searching to make sure this isn’t a duplicate, so excuse me if I’ve missed another thread to the same effect.
I’d love to see Renoise Send devices that use the channel mixer output (after the mixer fader and pan pot settings) instead of the current pre-mixer-only setup. Pre-mixer Sends are nice, but Sends that use the channel mixer output itself (after the fader and pan adjustments are applied) need to be available.
Suppose I’ve got a nice drum track with a Send going to a Room reverb plugin used by other track Sends. I get the Send level just right so the drums and their reverb sound perfect together. After more work I decide to raise the level of the drums in the mix. Because the Send is using the channel signal before the post-fx mixer, raising the level of the post-fx mixer will have no effect on the signal used by the Send; i.e. it won’t raise the level of the reverb effect. Translate this to several tracks needing minor level adjustments, and I’m losing all kinds of time tweaking Send levels to match.
Adjusting the pre-fx mixer level isn’t really a good solution, either, since it ignores dynamics-processing (compressor, gate, expander, etc.) in the effects chain between the pre-fx mixer and the Send device. That really just moves the time spent tweaking from the Send levels over to adjusting dynamics processor thresholds.
It gets a little bit uglier when I want to use track level automation for crescendos/decrescendos, because I also have to automate the Send levels to keep them proportional.
This is all made worse for me due to my preference for mixing using K-14 metering (RMS level for forte passages is around -14dBFS instead of being normalized to 0dBFS; it’s fantastic for wide dynamics). As such I do a lot of mixer level adjustments while I work.
I love the current Send device, but adding the option for it to use the post-mixer signal instead of just the post-fx signal, or creating a new post-mix Send device would be a big boon for us mixer-fiddlers.