Advanced Sample Editor

i just posted this in the thread about octamed, and i shouldve mentioned it in the amaiga users thread too.

but i was thinking abo0ut the DEVS working on the sample editor (implementing the personally over anticipated record function . . shouldve been there from the beggining IMHO)

and thought about the ability to hand draw soundwaves . . . . this was possible in the earliest of sampling technologies (the fairlight CMI) : : : take a look at this great clip :…airlight_II.avi

it was also a much loved feature in octamed .

with renoises ability to create instruments from short looping waveforms (is this called wavetable synthesis? / is this how a PPG wave works?) . . it would be great to be able to sketch in these strange shapes for instrument creation . . even without the fairlights ability to “morph” between waveshapes.

also . . .anyone using protracker (amiga) would also remember the ability to combine samples to create new samples . . . although this is posible in renoise by rendering a short segment of your pattern, its not totally functional to do this as sample editing and “score” editing should remain seperate in my book . . . a feature to do this in the sample editor would be great. . .

thats my rant for the day … . .


ooops… should this be in the suggestions part? . . . its discussive and generally general though too no ?

It’s not generally general, no. :) I’m sure a mod will see it though, if you can’t delete it.

The sampler in Renoise is not a hybrid device where you can generate synth waves as well.
The synth “Rock” plugin ( has this hand-draw wave-form option (tag the “User wave” button and then start drawing).
In spite of the very low drawing-resolution, still could be a usable workaround.

Combining samples could be part of the sample editor, if Renoise only was a sample editor, but Renoise is a tracker.

The Render to Sample option was implemented to add a lot of extra functionality-lacks into one solution, including the combining samples part. In combination with the large scale of plugins that can resolve many waveform related shortcomings in Renoise, i think that this option is more powerfull than estimated at first sight.

The only unsolvable lacking part of the sampler device is a recording option and this will be implemented in the next edition.

You could also try “Oatmeal”, it also has this feature. One can find lots of stuff for Oatmeal at KVR like skins and banks, it also has a very nice “random” button.

im assuming these plugins mentioned are for p.c.
as most plugs seem to be .

there are many mac based renoise users (myself included)
and one of the joys of using a tracker is that it includes many different audio applications into a single piece of software. . .

as to the above comment “if Renoise only was a sample editor, but Renoise is a tracker” etc etc . . . RENOISE CONTAINS A SAMPLE EDITOR .

and the instrument section is designed towards the synthesis of new sounds using varioius waveforms . . with its envelopes and filters . .

several trackers do implement very advanced features in terms of sample editing and processing and do not contain the ability to synthesise your own sounds, but just trigger samples .

i think the need to avoid switching between many applications is something that should make audio software a success in this day and age. . .
this includes sample editing / synthesis and even when it comes to plug ins.

renoise has built in plugs which are basic but incredibly useful , the more that can be implemented within renoise then the better…

i wish for a dedicated computer running only one piece of software . . and renoise is a very promising step towards this.

there are many advanced compositional techniques and synthesis techniques that could / should be implemented in renoise. . . IMHO

but i could write a book on these. . . .

i cant wait for the audio recording. . . . but hope renoise can make steps at becoming more selfcontained including more “professional” optional features for the world of electronic / computer composition . . . … . (microtuning? fft? modularity? various algorithmic / stochastic / forms of composition?) . . . . sigh.


“The sampler in Renoise is not a hybrid device where you can generate synth waves as well.”

the sample editor combined with the instrument editor does do exactly this no ?
not generating synth waves from scratch (oscilators / waveforms etc)
but by loading samples as waveforms its very successful . . . and is a powerful feature that could be more powerful.

cool video :)

I don’t think a “mix paste” and/or a “draw waveform” function is something that would be terribly difficult to do. I don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to combine a kickdrum or move parts of a sample around, and had to resort to workarounds to get it done.

I think this is wishfull thinking.
There isn’t a synthesizer that has all you need either, some synth artists have gathered batteries of synths and other MIDI equipment because their previous purchase(s) didn’t had this specific requirement.

Renoise will never become that synth that will have it all, but because it is software it will slowly evolve and gain more features and one day, your wish may be into it. With the right patience, you might get what you want someday if you solely depend on Renoise only. If you want it now, some plugin or other software application may provide this to you.
Until the day comes one of all those software applications provide everything you need so you can ditch the rest. And i can’t predict which software application this will be, neither can i predict which day this will be.
But i guess that is what every composer is out for.

Interfacing well with other specialised applications is a must.
I.e. in the Sample Editor, having a right click menu option for opening in an external wave editor, and when closing that editor, having Renoise refresh itself with the new sample. Seen this in a few sequencers, but I’m not sure how hard it is to do.

drawing waveforms like in ft2, please make it possible. thanks a lot in adv.