that’s the beauty of having different tastes. I think she is beyond nasty; you think she is hot.
We wont ever fight for the similar looking chicks, and therefore we’ll be happy.
There is women for all of us!!!
that’s the beauty of having different tastes. I think she is beyond nasty; you think she is hot.
We wont ever fight for the similar looking chicks, and therefore we’ll be happy.
There is women for all of us!!!
I’d hit it… and quit it
for some strange reason, blonde girls do not interest me … no matter how good they look, yellow hair and I am not interested. sometimes even not in talking or being friends. … is that racist ?
however, I think paris hilton does not act abit bumb, she is infact quite dumb. not very bright but a load of money.
i dont understand guys like you who say they dont like blond girls or they dont like brunette girs or they only like girls with blue eyes etc etc…
For me those things dont make any difference. There are beautiful girs with every color of hair, eyes, skin etc
The only thing that should be in girl that i like is that she should be slim, but thats different thing i guess
I had blondes, I had brunettes and black haired girls. In fact, the haircolor does not matter but just visually, I prefer black haired girls. My favourite is
hey mark, that just looks like my girlfriend !
I didn’t know I had a fetish for asian girls untill I met her.
I like girls with things that make them different than the rest.
most girls nowdays are all dressed like MTV rap-accesoires.
my friends always said I fell on aliens
o yeh, an edit to keep on topic,
Paris Hilton looks really fake, unnatural to me.
things I strongly dislike.
Paris Hilton Id f****ing hot! w000t w00t! sceet sceet sceet!
I’m sorry, you can sit here and say what ever you want. but if she grabbed you and pulled you into a room, you wouldn’t be saying no to her, you would brag to your friends.
Her money makes up for lack of brains.
But personally I absolutely adore Angelina Jolie… she is just PERFECT. I will kill brad pitt. She loves me, I know she does.
In Germany we say “Insides are pink anyway” LOL
Perhaps, but I wouldn’t do it without a couple of layers of condoms. Paris Hiltons looks may not be so bad but she is kinda skanky. The real turn off with Paris is the way she talks… Saw her on Letterman once “That’s hot”… “that’s totally hot” with this lazy, whiny BLEEEHHH!!
no, its not that I ignore them or something, it’s really physically. do you know that slight rush of blood and hormones when you see a beatiful girl? this sudden amazement and all ? I swear, I seldom get that with blondes. They don’t “kick” me. and really, thats not something I chose, its kind of biological.
Hehe, screw Paris, I win in any case.
My gf can SING too!
Has anyone seen the South Park episode “Stupid spoiled whore video playset”?
That’s exactly what I think of Paris Hilton
i think if you finally stop waching southpark, beavis & buthead and get to finally go out, and Paris touches your shoulder with her finger you will ejaculate 10 times with 30 second intervals…
Just thinking of that literally. Standing in a club and this happens… LOL
why’s her skin so freaking dark, white people aren’t supposed to look like that, what the f****
The kid steady pimpin the pacman shirt is me. I am white so the tan thing is possible even for us white folks.
Those two kids to my left were my neighbors. Both into modeling, commericals, movies etc. They had to go outside quite often to make sure they were tan and there dad would always make them run around with no shirt on.
Really odd now that I think about it. Me? Hell no. If my shirt came off you would see one hell of a farmers tan. Oh didn’t play with the pic, look at the white wall.
Bit of trivia. The kid on the very left was in Where the Boys are '84.
He played the little kid at the end who was supposed to be a young version of the lead guy in the film. Shows him walknig by some other young girls giggling and waving at him. Pretty funny shit.
if i didnt know who she is, i would think she just looks plain, but since i do…
that bitch is disgusting!!!
if she had to work for a living,
she’d be a five dollar ho.
i like all types of girls, tho its really hard to find those that are worth time.
for instance,
theres the girls that will just sit there while your working on music.
theres girls that will sit there an look incredibly bored while your trying to make music.
theres girls that will play with the kitty while in her undies (that one hard to pass up, incredibly hard sometimes)
then theres ‘the one’ that will hook a fool up.
Wheres the girls that have good taste in music,will want to hook a fool up, work with you, give you ideas, an not screw all your friends behind your back???
paris hilton? matter of oppinion.
Personally, I’d love a celebrity to randomly make a pass at me; if I recognised them I’d tell them not to touch what they couldn’t afford just to see the reaction. (seriously…I get my rocks off more on playing games like that than I do shagging )