Annide - Stand Out (instrumental)

done this intrumental of a disney tune. (renoise only)
did it for a kids-grandprix show/competition here localy.

all done in renoise with some help of my friends (mr.blackwell)
from Blofeld on electric-fuzzy-guitar.


Feedback wanted instantly…

Neat! :)

Good stabs, cool guitar, good beat, tight production. What disney-song was that??

it’s called “disney - goofy - stand out.mp3” ;)

i just got it from the kids at the school.

btw. the guitarist is called axwell blofeld. and he has got this rock group
that produce really cool 70’s - 80’s rock.
check them at

free music for everyone.

Realy nice song!
Like the drums and guitarr, nice flow :)

really nice… I’,m so jealous of you teaming up with such a talented guitarist.

Mastering though: transients in the beat sound crisp (snare, hihats) but overall this could be mastered more to be more clear, upfront and powerfull. The song as a whole sounds a little fuzzy therefore weak. guitars can use more crispyness and the kick should be more clear and pumping.

I can’t tell ya what parameters and what eq and compressors to use but i hope I could help.

hey, thanks for that feeback man. gonna check out some different settings on the compressors on the drums, and try to do something more with the guitars. :)

and yes, he’s really great… he’s timing is really out of this world.

though, the fuzzyness might be the bad bitrate on the sample tune.
gonna post a more highquality version next time.