Another My 1st Song Posted On This Forum!

I uploaded one of my Renoise tunes up on myspace,its the 1st one called DMT,done on 1.5,the Nonamed track is a bit of Renoise and Hardware,the others are just Hardware,ive also got a track thats ganna be released later this year or 2008 which is also done with just Renoise :P




Would be nice for other Renoisers to tell me what they think like others get,overall sounding wise.i dont usally just use Renoise,and i dont dont personnaly know any one in person who uses Renoise so you guys can help me!


personally i would like to hear some more melody or some kind of synth lead, but maybe this is supposed to be that way/experimental.

Sounding wise its quite OK to me, maybe i would replace the open hihat sample cause it “seems” to me a bit too noisy and added some more bass to balance that track out (cause that hard bassdrum kinda gets most of the attention imo)