anther suggestions

well, i’d like to have these buttons from sound forge (acid loop creation tools toolbar) in renoise’s sample editor:
double selection
half selection
shift selection left/right
rotate audio

and is it possible to optimize rendering process, i’m also coder (but now i’m more into musicmaking), and i wondering, may be you can use some value tables (not sure how that thing calls in english) to optimize interpolation, or maybe you’ve used one already?

what does rotate audio ?

the interpolation is not slow at all (its of course optimized).
Use the lower PlayerQualityMode (Config/Audio) if you need
a faster interpolation but then you will also loose quality …

rotate audio rotates for 1/4 the selection. for example if you take a standart beat loop and make “rotate audio” once then you’ll get snare drum goes first (instead bassdrum), and that bassdrum will be on last 1/4 part of loop.

about interpolation i ment render process, just wondering, if it’s optimized then nevermind…